stopped IF. question

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    So I did IF over a year n change. Started doing bullet proof coffee(0530am),onus mct, coconut oil instead. The I have bacon around 0630am. Then lunch at 1100. Will i experience any fluctuation in weight or in general ? 


    Richard Schmitt

    Maybe. It depends.



    Maybe. It depends.

    Just been feeling soft. But figure its from my decreased training since I had to rest before that GoRuck and now I'm recouping for another day or so. Also no clue what my metabolism is like with taking in fats so early. Idk I'm in uncharted Chalm waters


    Richard Schmitt

    If it's something new, I would keep trying it for a while.



    If it's something new, I would keep trying it for a while.

    oh I agree 🙂 I was just curious. I know for sure during deployment I was not getting enough fats. And by doing this it'll allow me to.

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stopped IF. question

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