Strange pain

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    Tiago Nicolau

    Hi guys,Some days ago i started to have this pain, its on my right side, located somewhere in the hip area, on the upper side on the abdominal side,The pain comes and goes and normally it comes and goes fast but seems like something burning inside,The pain seems to happen inside the upper hip bone, but i cant reach it when i massage it, just below the obliques,Anyone had this?I thought it would dissapear but it isnt,Doesnt hurt when i workout, it happens mostly when im sit up but standing up happens too,Its on the same level as the L5-S1 disk, could it be my hernia that bulged to that side?I dont quite understand how since i never did any pinch to the sides, When  i strech my obliques it seems to relieve but it isnt going away :/





    Tiago Nicolau

    Hmm psoas is too deep, would hurt if i did strech movements but it doesnt,After seeing some anatomical pics it seems in the region of iliacus but im not sure :/



    Hi guys,Some days ago i started to have this pain, its on my right side, located somewhere in the hip area, on the upper side on the abdominal side,The pain comes and goes and normally it comes and goes fast but seems like something burning inside,The pain seems to happen inside the upper hip bone, but i cant reach it when i massage it, just below the obliques,Anyone had this?I thought it would dissapear but it isnt,Doesnt hurt when i workout, it happens mostly when im sit up but standing up happens too,Its on the same level as the L5-S1 disk, could it be my hernia that bulged to that side?I dont quite understand how since i never did any pinch to the sides, When  i strech my obliques it seems to relieve but it isnt going away :/

    When you have the pain, would you be able to point to it with one finger, or does it cover a larger area than that?  Any pain if you press directly on the spot that hurts?


    Tiago Nicolau

    Hi guys,Some days ago i started to have this pain, its on my right side, located somewhere in the hip area, on the upper side on the abdominal side,The pain comes and goes and normally it comes and goes fast but seems like something burning inside,The pain seems to happen inside the upper hip bone, but i cant reach it when i massage it, just below the obliques,Anyone had this?I thought it would dissapear but it isnt,Doesnt hurt when i workout, it happens mostly when im sit up but standing up happens too,Its on the same level as the L5-S1 disk, could it be my hernia that bulged to that side?I dont quite understand how since i never did any pinch to the sides, When  i strech my obliques it seems to relieve but it isnt going away :/

    When you have the pain, would you be able to point to it with one finger, or does it cover a larger area than that? More like 3 fingers but its hard to say, if anything, seems more like a circle!Any pain if you press directly on the spot that hurts? No, no pain since it seems to come from inside the bone hip area ( dont confuse with in the inside of bone), and even if i put my fingers down into the obliques in order to find the spot, i cant reach it, since it comes and goes fast,I noticed that it seems to be correlated with when im sitted down first, but i cant be sure of that,Note: when it happens, seems i have some pressure in the spot.



    I would not expect this to be a disc problem in the back.  People with disc problems tend to get shooting pains down their leg, not a stationary pain in one spot.  The pain you're describing sounds a little like greater trochanter bursitis (inflation of one of the bursa, or fluid filled sacs, of the hip, location here:, but there are some parts of your story that make this less likely.  With regards to that picture, how does that match up with the location of your pain?I would expect with bursitis that you would, at least sometimes, have pain when exercising.  I would also expect you to be able to reproduce the pain by pressing on it.  So it's not a perfect fit.If it is bursitis, unfortunately the best way to fix it is rest.  NSAIDs can be of benefit as well.


    Tiago Nicolau

    bdsh.jpgSeems to be on that place i pointed with my great paint skills lolIt really seems to be linked to how i sit up and for how long,Maybe the only way to be sure is to go to my phisycist :/



    HII'm an athlete, or former at this point since I'm re habbing, but I had same kind of pain starting in 2010. I thought it was a hernia from  lifting, or a pulled groin muscle. It burned in my inner thigh, was painfully achey, as well later it travelled down the front of my quad. I was a heavy lifter, figure/fitness/triathlon competitor, cyclist, swimmer(believe it or not i was still big with muscle). After massage, rest, Muscle Activation Technique , and nothing helped, and I couldn't walk and was in severe pain, I had an MRI and was shocked to find out that I had no cartilage left on my right hip and that i had hip displasia. Long story short, 10 months later after much research I travelled to India to see one of the best surgeons in the world to have hip resurfacing, and now have a cobalt ball on my hip.My suggestion, if not already done, is to have an Xray to rule out arthritis. An MRI will determine any soft tissue damage, or possibly one of the new ultra sound techniques. I was 48 when I found out. That's young. But I've found out that there are women in their 30's who have the same problem and it comes up when we're super active.So unless you have these things like arthritis ruled out you really don't know how to treat it and get to the source of the problem.I would love to hear how this turns out. Hips and hip problems are near and dear to my heart!! I feel your  pain and i know how awful it can be, especially when it gets in the way of your daily living.As a trainer i've learned a great deal and have gone on to help many people with hip issues both before surgery and after.Feel free to email me.P.S-Sitting was really painful for me also.which was due to the arthritis and having no cartilage.. If there is any arthritis in the joint it could manifest itself in these symptoms. Getting up after sitting was also painful.let me know how it goesdebbyK



    Wow this is me… But I did have a femoral hernia.. I still have right hip pains, my doctor said there is a small growth from when I was born. He said it shouldn't be causing pains though, I'm so lost on what to do.



    Might be WAY out there but could it be kidney pain? I used to get it when I first started loading Creatine way back a bunch of years ago.RB



    I've had pain in my left hip and groin for 5 years or so. I have a shallow left hip capsule, reduced cartilage at the Lowe part of the hip joint, and some early signs of osteophytes at the top anterior part of the hip.Doctors won't do MRI. I think a lot of my hip pain, in TFL in particular, was muscular, as I have gone down a bodyweight training program things are a heap better. Still have a tendon issue in groin from adductors. Need to stretch more too, I'm pretty tight in those areas



    It almost feels like its under my right testicle sometimes. Like I'm confused if its testicle pain or underneath it. Either way my entire right hip aches.



    I'd get I checked out properly, but are you tight in the glutes or hamstrings etc. an anterior pelvic tilt can play havoc with your hips and groin



    I'm not really sure if they are, they feel to bad.



    Try some glute stretches. Also go onto Kelly Starretts MobilityWod site and look at some of the exercises and trigger point techniques with a foam roller and lacrosse ball. If you find relief it might just be some serious mobility issues. If in doubt, get a scan done

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Strange pain

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