Strange pain

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    Tiago Nicolau

    God damn Debbyk, you scared me!But if thats my case, it should be on the beginning since its almost 3 days without pain,It will be difficult for me to have a MRI, but latter in this year i will do one for my anual MRI check for my hernia, and its even in the same latitude,Since i started doing thigh streches that the pain didnt come so maybe this is directly helping me, I even did Sumo Deadlifts the other day and with no pain during or after



    Wow this is me... But I did have a femoral hernia.. I still have right hip pains, my doctor said there is a small growth from when I was born. He said it shouldn't be causing pains though, I'm so lost on what to do.

    You really should get an MRI. The first surgeon I saw refused to give me one. I finally had to threaten my HMO Kaiser to give me one or I would hold them responsible for anything that happened to my body from the day that I first saw him. The next day I had MRI request in my mail box!!I also had a friend who is a surfer who was complaining of the exact same pain. I can get you in touch with him. He was in pain for a couple years. He ended up having surgery and I think then it was better. At first he was diagnosed with a sports hernia, whatever that is. I would seek out others who have the same symptoms. That's what I did, and had I listened to the first surgeon, who was head of surgery at Kaiser, I would have been crippled before they could have done my resurfacing. Stretching may not be the answer. I spent a year and a half doing mobility , Muscle activation Technique,rolling, stretching, massage. Something is not right and need to find a doctor who will think out of the box. But having an MRI or an arthrogram will help rule things out. I had bone spurs, cysts, narrowing , hip displasia, 2 labral tears, and my structure was just not right in the hip. I will probably have to have the left one done someday also, due to the shallow hip sockets (displasia)Bret Contreras has a great blog post and podcast with the great Stu Mcgill, who studies everything hips. It shed light on the subject about hip structure and what we should and should not be doing based on the structure of our hip. Had I known then what I do now I would have trained differently. My shallow hips allowed for a great squatter. But over time my cartilage wore away. It's the same with the EAstern Europeans. They have shallow hips. But look at all the Bulgarian olympic lifters They win medals and then they get hip replacements!!Let me know if you would like to talk to my friends. He's also a weight trainer and very athletic. Debby

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Strange pain

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