Strawberries on fat/protein day

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    Can we have strawberries, likea  few ounces with WHIP CREAM (no sugar) on fat/protein day?  I am very very low carb today, and would like to have some strawberries and cream for dessert.  I thought I read no fruit in the book, but on the approved food list I saw strawberries.  We had lunch at Ikea today.  Was hard pressed to find something to eat there.  I got the lox with about an ounce of shredded veggies.  NY Strip steak and green beans and butter and cheese for dinner tonight!  Yum.  Still feeling pretty gross about all the fat.  i had two of the power coffees this morning.  Those don't bother me, but man, so much fat!! 



    You can have a couple of strawberries. Don't go overboard though. In an earlier podcast josh whitton gives the example of eating a few strawberries with coconut milk. I have yet to try it but it sounds good.


    Brandon D Christ

    Strawberries are fine.  I don't reccomend them, but I don' think they will cause any problems.


    Just be sure you keep your useable carbs at or below 30g/day.Fruit can add the carbs QUICK.  I'd also advise eating them later in the day, not earlier.Cory



    Thanks guys.  I did find that strawberries and sugar free jello are permissible treat on fat/protein day.  Nothing else was listed!  I do like the sugar free jello with whipping cream as a treat. 



    Again, it's allowable, but one of those things that probably should be avoided, just in case…



    Figured if anything, treat it as it says:  a treat.  Treat to me is occasionally.  Now, what about sugar free jello with heavy whipping cream?  There is no sugar, therefore no carbs and only 10 calories, and it rounds out my day:). 


    If it doesn't use Ace K it should be fine.



    Crap, the sugar free jello has the Ace K stuff.  Just looked up what it is, and likely the sleeping pills I take occasionally do too (Unisom chewable).  From the wiki page, sounds like Ace K is something one would want to avoid, low carb diet or not.  I''ve got 3 kids, it's getting harder and harder to feed them without worrying what chemicals are in their food.  Grrrrr.... 

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Strawberries on fat/protein day

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