Strength Accumulation question

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    how much protein are you guys getting while doing SA, just curious.  Is 1g per pound of bodyweight enough or is more better?


    You wont need more.Most do 1g per lb, some do less.I eat less then that, I rarely eat more then 160g at 193lbs.



    and are you getting good results with that much?


    Yeah. I've got 2 or 3 compliments for being more muscular this week (Made me feel like freakin' superman)I personally don't think most people even need 1g per lb since excess protein will just become glucose.


    Omar, if you are coming from traditional bodybuilding diet, seriously do your best not to over eat protein.I know it is hard, but the fat will preserve your muscle along with the ketones..8-1.2 is your range, you wont need more than that.



    yea i'm slowly changing my mind, this whole CBL is just crazy man I wasn't a believer at first but I sure am now.



    Ya coming from bodybuilding diets it is hard to get used to taking in less protein. When I try and get others to try CBL that is where I get the a lot of WTFs.



    Just realised something funny: you guys measure your bodyweight in pounds and your protein in grams… ???



    Just realised something funny: you guys measure your bodyweight in pounds and your protein in grams... ???

    It's a common technique used. 1gram per pound of body-weight. A lot of bodybuilders will say up to 3 grams per lb but i have to agree with many here and Kiefer that is too much... maybe you can get away with it when your 18.I know i can't at 45  😛


    Just realised something funny: you guys measure your bodyweight in pounds and your protein in grams... ???

    He is referring to if we are using lbs why aren't we using oz. for weight of food etc


    Brandon D Christ

    You have to watch your protein intake when you are in the ULC portion of day, but during a backload feel free to take in as much protein as you want.  You don't need that much protein in a backload, but it is perfectly fine to eat 20 oz steak that has 100g of protein in it.Through experimentation I found that I feel the best when I am eating around 200 g of protein on workout days (I weigh 175).  On ULC I stay 50/50 fat and protein.  Obviously you can't go in favor in protein because then you won't be ketogenisis, but I find that if I go too much in favor of fat I tend to get stomach aches.

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Strength Accumulation question

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