Sugar on backload

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    Brian Timlin

    Last night after 2min intervals and resistance training I felt like doing a decent amount of carbs.Aside from protein I had a brown spotted banana, 4 slices of bread and a packet of chocolate buttons. 127g total of carbs.Is 50g of carbs from chocolate okay on a backload?  Or is it too much by way of pure sugar?


    Richard Schmitt

    It's fine. Just wouldn't make it a habit every night,.


    Sascha Heid

    It's fine. Just wouldn't make it a habit every night,.

    Sorry, but why not? Is 100g of chocolate that bad??? He did hiit + weights followed by very little food, no?


    Richard Schmitt

    Because sucrose/fructose is not the best form of getting carbs. You're looking for glucose based carbs.


    Sascha Heid

    I understand, it just seems so very little to me. Assuming it's 50/50 he would have only 25g of fructose.I dont know the fructose content of other high GI Carbs, but don't they have fructose in them too, probably more if they are highly processed?Is there zero fructose in stuff like pasta, rice, potatos or bread?And if we go to "dirtier" foods like Pizza, Burgers or Ice-Cream, they certainly are "enhanced" with fructose, no?


    I understand, it just seems so very little to me. Assuming it's 50/50 he would have only 25g of fructose.I dont know the fructose content of other high GI Carbs, but don't they have fructose in them too, probably more if they are highly processed?Is there zero fructose in stuff like pasta, rice, potatos or bread?And if we go to "dirtier" foods like Pizza, Burgers or Ice-Cream, they certainly are "enhanced" with fructose, no?

    Ice cream would fall into the same category with candy. Some is okay, but don't make it a large portion of your backload. The other foods you listed are low to no fructose.And the 100g he mention would be 50g fructose roughly, and you probably don't often want to go above that.

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Sugar on backload

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