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  • #4197

    Yesterday I trained my Shoulders and Biceps for an hour. Then I backloaded with a burger, onion rings, and an oreo milkshake from Sonic. Then I ate 2 slices of cheescake and a chocotaco. Stood on the scale the next morning and lost weight! Any suggestions of what 2 eat if Im density bulking?


    Yesterday I trained my Shoulders and Biceps for an hour. Then I backloaded with a burger, onion rings, and an oreo milkshake from Sonic. Then I ate 2 slices of cheescake and a chocotaco. Stood on the scale the next morning and lost weight! Any suggestions of what 2 eat if Im density bulking?

    Sounds fine, food-wise.Are you backloading on off-days?  If not, you should be (just abbreviated versions of training day backloads).  For DB, take one ULC day a week (like Sunday night), and backload the rest.Cory


    I didnt understand the ULC portion of that book… please explain.


    Brandon D Christ

    Yesterday I trained my Shoulders and Biceps for an hour. Then I backloaded with a burger, onion rings, and an oreo milkshake from Sonic. Then I ate 2 slices of cheescake and a chocotaco. Stood on the scale the next morning and lost weight! Any suggestions of what 2 eat if Im density bulking?

    Sounds fine, food-wise.Are you backloading on off-days?  If not, you should be (just abbreviated versions of training day backloads).  For DB, take one ULC day a week (like Sunday night), and backload the rest.Cory

    The book says to backload everyday on Density Bulk, at least at first.  @Hinesketchup how many days a week are you training?


    Lasse Elsbak

    I didnt understand the ULC portion of that book… please explain.

    ULC = Ultra Low Carb. It's just staying under 30g carbs. 😉


    Yesterday I trained my Shoulders and Biceps for an hour. Then I backloaded with a burger, onion rings, and an oreo milkshake from Sonic. Then I ate 2 slices of cheescake and a chocotaco. Stood on the scale the next morning and lost weight! Any suggestions of what 2 eat if Im density bulking?

    Sounds fine, food-wise.Are you backloading on off-days?  If not, you should be (just abbreviated versions of training day backloads).  For DB, take one ULC day a week (like Sunday night), and backload the rest.Cory

    The book says to backload everyday on Density Bulk, at least at first.  @Hinesketchup how many days a week are you training?

    +1Personally, I have found one day of ULC a week just seems to help, for some reason.  I typically do it at the end... on Sunday.  I believe others on here do the same.  That said, the off-day backloads shouldn't be as all-out as the training day backloads.


    I train 5-6 days a week



    What is your training like?



    I train 5-6 days a week

    if you weighed less 2 pounds on leg day i could understand, but since you said chest and biceps i will state the obvious, which is "you aren't eating enough"  -  you need to backload heavier and make sure your ULC meals are large also.    DB means backload every night,  so at the very least backload light if you don't feel like eating till you puke, or what i like to call...... business as usual.I don't know how much you weigh, but try eating a pound of fatty grass fed beef as one of your ULC meals with a little bit of shredded cheese.  That will help you maintain your weight and definitely give you 1500cal fat/protein easily.

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