Supplements for elbow tendonitis/tennis elbow?

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    Spartan Werewolf

    Sup guys, I'm curious to know if anyone can recommend a good supplement for elbow tendonitis (tennis elbow/medial epicondylitis)??  Skull crushers got the best of me and despite taking about 6 weeks off, I haven't seen much improvement.  Before I go see a doc about cortisone shots I want to try the supplement/home remedy route... any recommendations?  Gracias.



    not sure if it would help but might be worth trying this


    No supplements besides stuff like tumeric.Look into Voodoo floss, then Soft tissue work like ART, MAT, or IASTM.



    Elbow issues always reminds me of a joke whose punch line goes “And if you don't stop “___________”, your elbow will never get any better”.Based on "been there, done that",  look into some physical therapy before doing the shots.  It may cost more but in shots are not a long term solution whereas PT can (and usually) is.



    What cured my tendonitis of the elbow was intramuscular stimulation, think acupuncture but deeper. As weird as it was of a method I had total success with it and no longer have it at all. It used to painful to hold a cup and now I have back full use and strength of both arms and it was pretty bad for about 2 years.



    This is a good supp for joints.


    Spartan Werewolf

    I've been working with Voodoo floss for a few weeks now and it seems to be helping (really gets the blood moving through the joint).  Also I found a pretty good supplement called Elbow Revive that's been helping.  Since I started taking it I've noticed definite improvement like reduction in pain, less inflammation, and I even feel stronger.  Def not back to where I want to be yet, but definitely on the way.  Gonna rest and keep doing what I'm doing a little while longer, then reevaluate in a couple weeks.  If I'm back 85% or so, I'll start hitting the gym again, but slowly. 



    If you are low carbing adding carbs will help with this.

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Supplements for elbow tendonitis/tennis elbow?

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