Supplements that decreases cortisol levels

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    Martin Tran

    My friends have been recommending MassHGh by Lecheek for sleep aid/recovery. One of the key features is that it decreases cortisol. From what I understand, the high cortisol, low insulin levels in the 4 hr period after waking up is an important aspect of CBL since it helps break down body fat while sparing muscle tissue (with the AM shake). Would taking this supplement reduce the body fat breakdown in the mornings?Link to supplement:


    Richard Schmitt

    Coffee and coconut oil is the main supp you want to take. Spending extra money on two items that are fairly cheaper than that is best. Just don't eat anything and you'll be fine. Stick to the basics of CBL/CNS



    Don't ever buy anything over the counter that has the abbreviation “HGH” in it. The company is banking on the recognition of that phrase to sell their product to the uneducated.Sleep aids that will help with recovery and normalizing (not suppressing) cortisol5-htp - 100-300mg before bedZMA - 3 capsule before bed, I take 6Phosphatidylserine complex - 500mg before bedNone of these will interfere with AM fat burning and normal cortisol levels to my knowledge. You can also take Ashwagandha extract during the day for some CNS insulation.


    Phosphatidylserine complex - 500mg before bed

    This stuff is pretty fantastic. I recommend anyway looking to try it to do some research about using it to combat high cortisol levels before just going out and doing it.



    Just picked this stuff up today!

    Phosphatidylserine complex - 500mg before bed

    This stuff is pretty fantastic. I recommend anyway looking to try it to do some research about using it to combat high cortisol levels before just going out and doing it.



    Buy high quality chelated magnesium…would be better lol



    for decreasing cortsiol? PS and L-tyrosine dose PWO have been working great for me while ULC

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Supplements that decreases cortisol levels

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