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  • #11997


    For those that have ordered from, what are your experiences with shipping times?I placed an order and it's now been 8 days and still haven't gotten it. Checked the tracking number, and it's expected delivery date is a total of 11 days from order. That seems pretty darn ridiculous for a 6 pound shipment, especially since they charged $14 for shipping.I'm just wondering if this is common, or a fluke? If the former, I definitely won't be buying from them again


    Melvin McLain

    No personal experience, but 8 days ago was what… the day after Christmas? Could be nothing more than leftover holiday rush (+new year's day), or they may have been closed from a few days to a week during that time.Probably a bad week to compare.


    Robert x Oleary

    Their shipping is stupid expensive, I had the same experience with some protein bars that were on sale for $9, then paid $14 for shipping. I don't pay that much on anything. Protein bars took about a week, and everything from takes 2-3 days and ships cheaper. Sup warehouse has great prices, but you lose your savings  on the shipping. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


    I have never paid more then $10 dollars for shipping which is no more than TN and the longest I have waited is 4 days.



    Yeah, I was factoring in the holiday thing, which is why I wanted others' experiences.. But really, 11 days, even figuring in the holiday season and 1 actual holiday day is just silly to me.I did some looking around on their FAQ and they actually say to allow up to 8 business days. Which also seems silly. I'm not sure what makes FedEx from them take so long, whereas from other businesses it's so much quicker. Maybe I'm just jaded by Amazon Prime. I'll probably give them one more go and if it's the same thing write them off.Also, I KINDA only paid $9 for shipping, in a manner of speaking. The shipping charge was $14, but I googled a discount code for $5 off the order.



    TCB,I've ordered from them twice,and I recommend staying on top of them.I ordered a list of things and I believe a few things were out of stock, and they didn't contact me at all to let me know,they just didn't send it (didn't charge me either).I placed another order,and didn't see or hear anything for 3 weeks,so I sent them an email with the order# and got a tracking number the next day,like they forgot or something.So,I would say,it is best to look out for yourself,they won't look out for you.



    TCB,I've ordered from them twice,and I recommend staying on top of them.I ordered a list of things and I believe a few things were out of stock, and they didn't contact me at all to let me know,they just didn't send it (didn't charge me either).I placed another order,and didn't see or hear anything for 3 weeks,so I sent them an email with the order# and got a tracking number the next day,like they forgot or something.So,I would say,it is best to look out for yourself,they won't look out for you.

    Thanks.. I only ordered 1 item. And when I did email them, I never heard anything back. It ended up taking 10 days. Will probably pass on ordering from them again. If not for the expediency issue, then for the fact they didn't even bother replying to my inquiry.



    Yeah.The reality of it,how I picture it in my mind,is that “warehouse” is just some single mom with a one year-old on her hip and two other screaming kids in the room trying to sort through orders on the computer.And a bedroom full of supplements.


    Robert x Oleary

    Yeah.The reality of it,how I picture it in my mind,is that "warehouse" is just some single mom with a one year-old on her hip and two other screaming kids in the room trying to sort through orders on the computer.And a bedroom full of supplements.

    This scenario is entirely plausible given my experience with them as well. I'll pay the extra $3 for my online supps and just order from and make sure I get a fair deal on shipping in addition to have my supps in two days. Also, they are always running online coupon codes. Here is the site I use to find active ones.

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