Sweeteners and sugar alcohols

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    I just saw that Crystal light has aspartame. Are we avoiding Crystal light? Also, I'm worried now because I didn't know about sugar alcohols in gum until reading more posts.  I am entering my ninth day of the prep phase. I've chewed a single piece of gum probably about four times since I started. The package says 2 grams carbs from 2 grams sugar alcohol. Should I totally avoid this then?Here's the ingredients list in case anyone can decipher it:Maltitol (vegetable derived)gum basexylitolflavorsgum arabicisomaltacerola cherry extractascorbic acidcamellia sinensis (green tea) extractpropolis extractpotassium acesulfamementholcarnauba waxtitanium dioxide, food gradeshellac



    I can address the Crystal Light…I don't think it's the aspartame that's the culprit, but an ingredient called "acesulfame potassium."  Keifer recently identified that specific ingredient as causing an insulin spike.  ( I believe he mentioned it in an interview with Sean Hyson.)  It's found in a ton of diet sodas and some no-cal drinks, like most Crystal Lights.  I used to drink Coke Zero, and Keifer's comment propelled me to finally give up diet soda - thanks Keifer!  (I think he also said Diet Coke does not have AP, but I never cared for the taste).  I did find a Crystal Light product called "energy" that does not list AP as an ingredient.  One packet (16oz.) also contains 120 mg of caffeine, which in my book is a plus.



    So, is there a Crystal Lite substute that is ok for CNS?I haven't been guzzling it, but I really enjoy a swallow or two throughout the day.



    I can address the Crystal Light...I don't think it's the aspartame that's the culprit, but an ingredient called "acesulfame potassium."  Keifer recently identified that specific ingredient as causing an insulin spike.  ( I believe he mentioned it in an interview with Sean Hyson.)  It's found in a ton of diet sodas and some no-cal drinks, like most Crystal Lights.  I used to drink Coke Zero, and Keifer's comment propelled me to finally give up diet soda - thanks Keifer!  (I think he also said Diet Coke does not have AP, but I never cared for the taste).  I did find a Crystal Light product called "energy" that does not list AP as an ingredient.  One packet (16oz.) also contains 120 mg of caffeine, which in my book is a plus.

    Thanks Joeyode. Wish it was okay. Oh well, water it is. 🙁    Or maybe I'll try the Energy drink you mentioned.




    Thanks for the article.  Despite the findings, I guess I may as well stay off the diet soda, since I finally managed to wean myself off it.  Although, I won't freak out now if I have a diet soda every now and then.



    Glad to read the article, thanks. I'll probably have a sip now and then and not worry about it.

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Sweeteners and sugar alcohols

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