Sweetner and coffee

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    I have been on carb nite for 3 weeks and have been pretty strict except for a few times when I fasted for a 24 hour period,not by choice but circumstance .  There has been no change in bodyweight, appearance, and/or bodyfat.The only thing I can think of is me drinking tons of coffee while at work and I like 2 equals in my coffee but I drink 7-10 cups. I work 4 am to 8pm thanks to new procedures and have to immediately eat then sleep.Anyway the sweetner are the only things that stand out.


    samuel r walker

    Wayyy to much sweetener haha, cut out ANY sweetener that has a carb or sugar as the first or any ingredient, like equal, splenda powder, sweet n low, etc.. Get some stevia or splenda brand 100% sucralose tabs.. And make sure youre getting enough quality sleep, which I assume youre not while drinking all that coffee up until bed. What is forcing u to fast for 24 hrs? Should be easy to at least have some nuts or coconutoil on hand.. And following this diet strictly isnt rlly up to opinion, so what are u eating mainly if i may ask?

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Sweetner and coffee

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