Switching from CNS to CBL

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    Im switching from CNS to CBL.  I've read through CBL book a few times, and wrote down some notes of how I interpret certain things.  If I post these, will someone confirm?  And also as a woman, I'm sure there are some tweakings for me that I'd appreciate knowing.  And I'm confused on a couple of charts in the book.  So, before I type out everything, wanted to know if there will be help?  I start carbs tomorrow night, and have deadlift day planned for the next morning.  I was doing CNS, had a 4 day carb splurge, so started reorientation, im on day 8 and dying fir carbs!!!  I still have plenty fat to lose, but I'm paying someone to coach me in powerlifting, and it's hard to do while run out of steam, and run out of strength on CNS.  We just add some conditioning in, and I'm adding bicycling in, 30 minutes, with very varying heart rate due to lots of hills, and dumb husband making me work harder:).  I want to improve cardio further. 


    Biggest tip. Ignore the charts in the book.They will just confuse you.



    Glad I'm not the only one!@So, I train in morning.  Anywhere from 8-11.  Usually 9.  The big lifts, plus accessory, some conditioning.  So, this is how I interpret for a woman:So tomorrow is my first backload.  So that sets me up for Thursday morning deadlift.  So tomorrow night, carbs.  I'm 170 lbs, I'd say maybe 30% bodyfat.  Trying to get this down, I can't imagine it's much lower.  Anyway, how many carbs do I aim for then?  200 g carbs?  As a female of my size?  I'm also 40.    So then we get to Thursday.  I train in morning.  Do I train fasted, I read if you train in morning, train fasted.?  PWO, do I take whole scoop of iso plus leucine plus a banana or something?  Then eat ULC.  Then do I eat carbs that night as well?  I figured I'd carb up the nights before squat and deadlift.  But do I still carb again that night?  I read the book if you train in morning, then you want to carb the night before.  Oh boy, I'm all confused now.  there's some confusing things.  And I know it all changes for women.  I got the idea of two nights vs three for backloading...save it for the two heaviest (squat and dead lift).  Thanks!  I just really want to make sure I get it all right.


    It's much more confusing since you are training in the morning plus a female.Check out Julia's post on the DH main page, she has 1, maybe 2 posts on there.I would start with 200g and adjust up or down from there.You will really need 1-2 weeks at a set number to tell how you need to adjust.Train totally fasted, no coconut oil or cream. Just Black coffee if you'd like.PWO do WPI, Leucine, and you can experiment with carbs, personally, I do better without carbs in a morning PWO shake.If you are training say, Wednesday morning, and then Thursday is an off day, you will backload on Tuesday and stay ULC on Wednesday.



    Why are you cycling?



    The bicycling is something I can do with hubby.  And my heart rate is very variable, it's not steady state at all.  We have tons of hills.And I don't think it would hurt to get a little cardio.  Perhaps that's my missing link:).  But seriously, it's just a few days a week for 30-35 minutes. 

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Switching from CNS to CBL

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