Terrible Stomach Pain…

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  • #74714

    Richard Schmitt

    Take 3-4 tsp at once in warm water. Taking the normal dose keeps you healthy, taking extra is what causes that runs.

    OH! Cool 8)


    Make sure to drink a decent amount of water with it. It pulls water into the intestine so that water helps to facilitate the laxative effect.


    Richard Schmitt

    Make sure to drink a decent amount of water with it. It pulls water into the intestine so that water helps to facilitate the laxative effect.

    ...it worked...


    Make sure to drink a decent amount of water with it. It pulls water into the intestine so that water helps to facilitate the laxative effect.

    ...it worked...

    I hope for your sake you were near a bathroom, haha.


    Richard Schmitt

    Make sure to drink a decent amount of water with it. It pulls water into the intestine so that water helps to facilitate the laxative effect.

    ...it worked...

    I hope for your sake you were near a bathroom, haha.

    Oh...I was thank God. I think I want to get some normal Mag Citrate and keep Natural Calm for my CNs only...wow. Another good tip or need/want, I wish they would sell Go-Lightly. This stuff works even better.


    NC is mag citrate. Just take 1-2 tsp before bed to get all the normal benefits of proper magnesium levels.


    Richard Schmitt

    NC is mag citrate. Just take 1-2 tsp before bed to get all the normal benefits of proper magnesium levels.

    Oh yeah I meant like if there was a cheaper way to get ahold of this stuff, like from NOW Foods


    Natural calm is pretty much the cheapest.Getting the bigger one off of amazon is like, 2 months for less the $30 I think.Buying it at stores is often close to double the price.


    Richard Schmitt

    Instead of starting an entirely new thread, this issues is “Stomach Pain” related.Curious to know if anyone else experienced this and knows what to do. I woke up to a horrible tension feeling. Like instead of pulling bands outward, but inwards. It is around my groin up to my upper stomach. I can't walk straight up nor sit straight. Pretty much have to curl over. When I do, that area tends to spaz out and hurt.I did some checking and it seems to be related to my conditions, along with having diarrhea/constipation, stress/anxiety, and IBS. 


    Instead of starting an entirely new thread, this issues is "Stomach Pain" related.Curious to know if anyone else experienced this and knows what to do. I woke up to a horrible tension feeling. Like instead of pulling bands outward, but inwards. It is around my groin up to my upper stomach. I can't walk straight up nor sit straight. Pretty much have to curl over. When I do, that area tends to spaz out and hurt.I did some checking and it seems to be related to my conditions, along with having diarrhea/constipation, stress/anxiety, and IBS.

    I will just say be careful with it. If it doesn't get better by the end of the day go to the doctor.

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Terrible Stomach Pain…

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