Testosterone Replacement Therapy

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    Walter Norwood

    Hey guys – anyone here willing to share some thoughts on Testosterone Replacement Therapy?I've been struggling w/ sluggishness, lack of motivation, and fatigue for some time. Also my frustration for what feels like I can't gain muscle or shed the weight around my navel. Preliminary tests are back from my endo and they're showing low testosterone. Total test was 318, free test was 5.4. I'm 30 and have been dealing with these symptoms for a couple of years. I went in thinking it was low cortisol and/or adrenal fatigue but was surprised by this.Anyone have any success with TRT? My doctor is ordering a sleep study and ACTH stim test just to rule out a few more things but assuming they're ruled out, I believe she wants to treat with Andogel. I'm just looking for some opinions or more importantly, success stories from such treatment.Thanks guys!


    Tracy Jarchow

    I'm 54 and interested in the same thing. My testosterone levels are a bit low but fortunately my estrogen levels are totally normal. I was taking DHEA but my blood results show it was not being converted into testosterone (not good) or estrogen (really good). The DIM enhanced should help my body convert the DHEA into higher testosterone levels. My physician, well known in the CBL and CN and Bulletproof circles, suggested I try these two things first.One a day:http://www.amazon.com/Enzymatic-Therapy-Estrobalance-dim-Tablets/dp/B0013OUGOC/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1380646421&sr=8-1&keywords=estrobalanceOne or two a day:http://www.amazon.com/Douglas-Labs-Sublingual-Health-Beauty/dp/B00380VCGAI'll be very interested in a few weeks when I get my blood checked again.Here is an more in depth article:http://www.yourhormones.com/protocols/proper_use_of_hormone_precursors.html



    Hey guys - anyone here willing to share some thoughts on Testosterone Replacement Therapy?I've been struggling w/ sluggishness, lack of motivation, and fatigue for some time. Also my frustration for what feels like I can't gain muscle or shed the weight around my navel. Preliminary tests are back from my endo and they're showing low testosterone. Total test was 318, free test was 5.4. I'm 30 and have been dealing with these symptoms for a couple of years. I went in thinking it was low cortisol and/or adrenal fatigue but was surprised by this.Anyone have any success with TRT? My doctor is ordering a sleep study and ACTH stim test just to rule out a few more things but assuming they're ruled out, I believe she wants to treat with Andogel. I'm just looking for some opinions or more importantly, success stories from such treatment.Thanks guys!

    I have seen lower than 318, which for your age isn't too terrible,  but i personally would recommend a personal trainer before playing with your hormones.    That's really a last resort, unless you are a recreational bodybuilder who wants to pack on 25 pounds of muscle on his already shredded physique.


    Walter Norwood

    HA! I wish.I've thought about proceeding with a natural med. doc before going through with the hormone replacement therapy but I'm frustrated with the symptoms (fatigue, quality of life, mood swings, etc.). It truly feels like a monkey on my back that I can't shake.



    HA! I wish.I've thought about proceeding with a natural med. doc before going through with the hormone replacement therapy but I'm frustrated with the symptoms (fatigue, quality of life, mood swings, etc.). It truly feels like a monkey on my back that I can't shake.

    Ever tried Tribulus?  it's prob one of the only test mobilizers that actually works.  a lot of people will tell you it doesn't BUT it does.  I have legit sources to back that up too!    only 9.99  -  i'd try that first.  Otherwise, look forward to jabbing yourself with a needle every 5 days... and i'm personally not too big a fan of HRT / TRT because they like to use longer esters which translates to test levels dropping over 5-7 days before another injection -  meaning less stable blood levels, meaning mood swing potential.  just my 2 cents.


    Walter Norwood

    Thanks – I'll do some digging online. She wants to run a few more tests before doing anything but mentioned AndroGel.



    HA! I wish.I've thought about proceeding with a natural med. doc before going through with the hormone replacement therapy but I'm frustrated with the symptoms (fatigue, quality of life, mood swings, etc.). It truly feels like a monkey on my back that I can't shake.

    Ever tried Tribulus?  it's prob one of the only test mobilizers that actually works.  a lot of people will tell you it doesn't BUT it does.  I have legit sources to back that up too!    only 9.99  -  i'd try that first.  Otherwise, look forward to jabbing yourself with a needle every 5 days... and i'm personally not too big a fan of HRT / TRT because they like to use longer esters which translates to test levels dropping over 5-7 days before another injection -  meaning less stable blood levels, meaning mood swing potential.  just my 2 cents.

    +1I've heard positive things about Tribulus also..And definitely agree TRT/HRT should be a last resort.. using exogenous hormones can down regulate your body's own ability to make them in the long run.


    Brandon D Christ

    HA! I wish.I've thought about proceeding with a natural med. doc before going through with the hormone replacement therapy but I'm frustrated with the symptoms (fatigue, quality of life, mood swings, etc.). It truly feels like a monkey on my back that I can't shake.

    Ever tried Tribulus?  it's prob one of the only test mobilizers that actually works.  a lot of people will tell you it doesn't BUT it does.  I have legit sources to back that up too!    only 9.99  -  i'd try that first.  Otherwise, look forward to jabbing yourself with a needle every 5 days... and i'm personally not too big a fan of HRT / TRT because they like to use longer esters which translates to test levels dropping over 5-7 days before another injection -  meaning less stable blood levels, meaning mood swing potential.  just my 2 cents.

    Mind posting the legit sources?  All the studies I have ever seen on tribulus have shown it to be ineffective.  There are two studies though that show d-aspartic acid to raise test levels.



    HA! I wish.I've thought about proceeding with a natural med. doc before going through with the hormone replacement therapy but I'm frustrated with the symptoms (fatigue, quality of life, mood swings, etc.). It truly feels like a monkey on my back that I can't shake.

    Ever tried Tribulus?  it's prob one of the only test mobilizers that actually works.  a lot of people will tell you it doesn't BUT it does.  I have legit sources to back that up too!    only 9.99  -  i'd try that first.  Otherwise, look forward to jabbing yourself with a needle every 5 days... and i'm personally not too big a fan of HRT / TRT because they like to use longer esters which translates to test levels dropping over 5-7 days before another injection -  meaning less stable blood levels, meaning mood swing potential.  just my 2 cents.

    Mind posting the legit sources?  All the studies I have ever seen on tribulus have shown it to be ineffective.  There are two studies though that show d-aspartic acid to raise test levels.

    My trainer is a chemist... i'll ask him.    Tribulus gives me the same kind of effects as testosterone, i know this because i have used them both...  and i've always had great gains using it.  D-AA  does absolutely nothing for me despite the 'studies' ...



    I have taken both Trib(numerous manufacturers) and DAA in the past.. neither seemed to do much of anything for me.. noticed on each of those you get a ton of positive reviews and a ton of it didn't do shit reviews


    Brandon D Christ

    HA! I wish.I've thought about proceeding with a natural med. doc before going through with the hormone replacement therapy but I'm frustrated with the symptoms (fatigue, quality of life, mood swings, etc.). It truly feels like a monkey on my back that I can't shake.

    Ever tried Tribulus?  it's prob one of the only test mobilizers that actually works.  a lot of people will tell you it doesn't BUT it does.  I have legit sources to back that up too!    only 9.99  -  i'd try that first.  Otherwise, look forward to jabbing yourself with a needle every 5 days... and i'm personally not too big a fan of HRT / TRT because they like to use longer esters which translates to test levels dropping over 5-7 days before another injection -  meaning less stable blood levels, meaning mood swing potential.  just my 2 cents.

    Mind posting the legit sources?  All the studies I have ever seen on tribulus have shown it to be ineffective.  There are two studies though that show d-aspartic acid to raise test levels.

    My trainer is a chemist... i'll ask him.    Tribulus gives me the same kind of effects as testosterone, i know this because i have used them both...  and i've always had great gains using it.  D-AA  does absolutely nothing for me despite the 'studies' ...

    Sorry BigR, but the fact that your trainer is a chemist doesn't really give it any credibility in my eyes.  Unless he is aware of studies on it.



    It may be worth your while to look into this product:http://www.mikemahler.com/store/nutrition-supplements/testosterone-booster.htmlSo you know, I have no personal experience with this, I am just aware of its existence.The main ingredient is Bulbine Natalensis. It appears that cycling it is necessary as there may be some potential side effects of long term use.Examine.com gives a good, in-depth review. Examine.com also has good pages on the other two ingredients, Stinging Nettle and Mucuna Pruriens. Those two compounds don't appear to do much for testosterone directly, but may help either indirectly or if there is a testosterone deficiency.Anyway, just some more natural options you can look into if you're so inclined.



    i'd pass on bulbine… very few(if any) legit clinical trials.. ran this brand awhile back might as well of been taking water pills http://www.amazon.com/Serious-Nutrition-Solution-Bulbine-Capsules/dp/B008BVVXWO/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1380675154&sr=8-1&keywords=bulbineimho(and experience) most all herbal "test" boosters are crap.. not saying some don't work well for people but overall your probably are just wasting your money.. also quality and source are always suspect as there is little regulation on these things



    imho(and experience) most all herbal "test" boosters are crap.. not saying some don't work well for people but overall your probably are just wasting your money.. also quality and source are always suspect as there is little regulation on these things

    Yeah, I'm sure quality can be a big issue with them. Testing to see if they work for you is pretty easy though. It's not like you just have to take them and hope for the best.It does seem like most of them may only work to get people back to baseline test levels, as opposed to getting them up into supraphysiological levels(for a persons specific body of course). In this case though, the situation is because of a test deficiency.



    Trib just gives u a boner, no muscles, prior to TRT my lowest free t was 50mmol my mum had more then me, and and total t was 2.1, im now jabbing myself once every two weeks, feel better want women, and no it doesnt make u get any bigger nor stronger if thats what your hoping for you will be the same as every other average joe

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Testosterone Replacement Therapy

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