Testosterone Replacement Therapy

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    Walter Norwood

    Thanks guys for all of the posts, here are a couple of the posts I've been reading with regards to TRT/Tribulus/DAA:http://robbwolf.com/2011/11/02/paleo-and-testosterone/http://robbwolf.com/2011/01/24/my-training-at-39/I've been reading a lot about it lately. I feel like my doctor is being very thorough, my total test is 318, free test is 5.4.Again, the doc mentioned androgel so levels would be steady. I'm not thinking this will make me Jay Cutler, nor am I looking for that. This came about as a result of being referred to an endocrinologist for what I believed was low cortisol. She ran a bunch of tests and still wants to run a few more before treating anything. Symptoms date back as far as Dec. 2011 when I asked my primary care doctor about low test, at the time it was 491 (28 years old). Not bad, but lower than average for 28. So in two and a half years, I'm not sitting at 318 when averages suggest my peers to be in the 600s...


    Richard Schmitt

    This thread has been very helpful. Thanks for information provided above y'all.


    I would push for injections over gel. Gel sucks, and is a pain in the ass if you have any females or children around.



    HA! I wish.I've thought about proceeding with a natural med. doc before going through with the hormone replacement therapy but I'm frustrated with the symptoms (fatigue, quality of life, mood swings, etc.). It truly feels like a monkey on my back that I can't shake.

    Ever tried Tribulus?  it's prob one of the only test mobilizers that actually works.  a lot of people will tell you it doesn't BUT it does.  I have legit sources to back that up too!    only 9.99  -  i'd try that first.  Otherwise, look forward to jabbing yourself with a needle every 5 days... and i'm personally not too big a fan of HRT / TRT because they like to use longer esters which translates to test levels dropping over 5-7 days before another injection -  meaning less stable blood levels, meaning mood swing potential.  just my 2 cents.

    Mind posting the legit sources?  All the studies I have ever seen on tribulus have shown it to be ineffective.  There are two studies though that show d-aspartic acid to raise test levels.

    My trainer is a chemist... i'll ask him.    Tribulus gives me the same kind of effects as testosterone, i know this because i have used them both...  and i've always had great gains using it.  D-AA  does absolutely nothing for me despite the 'studies' ...

    Sorry BigR, but the fact that your trainer is a chemist doesn't really give it any credibility in my eyes.  Unless he is aware of studies on it.

    What i  am saying is that the study's don't really mean anything to me.  i take them with a grain of salt -  What works is what i am going to use.  But neither will work for everyonehave you used trib before? what dosage?    how about DAA ?


    Brandon D Christ

    HA! I wish.I've thought about proceeding with a natural med. doc before going through with the hormone replacement therapy but I'm frustrated with the symptoms (fatigue, quality of life, mood swings, etc.). It truly feels like a monkey on my back that I can't shake.

    Ever tried Tribulus?  it's prob one of the only test mobilizers that actually works.  a lot of people will tell you it doesn't BUT it does.  I have legit sources to back that up too!    only 9.99  -  i'd try that first.  Otherwise, look forward to jabbing yourself with a needle every 5 days... and i'm personally not too big a fan of HRT / TRT because they like to use longer esters which translates to test levels dropping over 5-7 days before another injection -  meaning less stable blood levels, meaning mood swing potential.  just my 2 cents.

    Mind posting the legit sources?  All the studies I have ever seen on tribulus have shown it to be ineffective.  There are two studies though that show d-aspartic acid to raise test levels.

    My trainer is a chemist... i'll ask him.    Tribulus gives me the same kind of effects as testosterone, i know this because i have used them both...  and i've always had great gains using it.  D-AA  does absolutely nothing for me despite the 'studies' ...

    Sorry BigR, but the fact that your trainer is a chemist doesn't really give it any credibility in my eyes.  Unless he is aware of studies on it.

    What i  am saying is that the study's don't really mean anything to me.  i take them with a grain of salt -  What works is what i am going to use.  But neither will work for everyonehave you used trib before? what dosage?    how about DAA ?

    No, I have not tried it, nor will I unless I get it for free or until I see some sort of evidence that it works.  I understand skepticism towards studies, but in this situation, the study would be very cut and dry.  You measure the test levels of a group of participants, give some trib, give others a placebo, and measure the final results.  If trib really did raise T-levels, some of the participants in the trib group would have higher T-levels.How do you know you aren't just getting a placebo effect?  Do you have your results from a t-level test?



    HA! I wish.I've thought about proceeding with a natural med. doc before going through with the hormone replacement therapy but I'm frustrated with the symptoms (fatigue, quality of life, mood swings, etc.). It truly feels like a monkey on my back that I can't shake.

    Ever tried Tribulus?  it's prob one of the only test mobilizers that actually works.  a lot of people will tell you it doesn't BUT it does.  I have legit sources to back that up too!    only 9.99  -  i'd try that first.  Otherwise, look forward to jabbing yourself with a needle every 5 days... and i'm personally not too big a fan of HRT / TRT because they like to use longer esters which translates to test levels dropping over 5-7 days before another injection -  meaning less stable blood levels, meaning mood swing potential.  just my 2 cents.

    Mind posting the legit sources?  All the studies I have ever seen on tribulus have shown it to be ineffective.  There are two studies though that show d-aspartic acid to raise test levels.

    My trainer is a chemist... i'll ask him.    Tribulus gives me the same kind of effects as testosterone, i know this because i have used them both...  and i've always had great gains using it.  D-AA  does absolutely nothing for me despite the 'studies' ...

    Sorry BigR, but the fact that your trainer is a chemist doesn't really give it any credibility in my eyes.  Unless he is aware of studies on it.

    What i  am saying is that the study's don't really mean anything to me.  i take them with a grain of salt -  What works is what i am going to use.  But neither will work for everyonehave you used trib before? what dosage?    how about DAA ?

    No, I have not tried it, nor will I unless I get it for free or until I see some sort of evidence that it works.  I understand skepticism towards studies, but in this situation, the study would be very cut and dry.  You measure the test levels of a group of participants, give some trib, give others a placebo, and measure the final results.  If trib really did raise T-levels, some of the participants in the trib group would have higher T-levels.How do you know you aren't just getting a placebo effect?  Do you have your results from a t-level test?

    Lol.  so you are saying they don't work because that is what the study says.... even though you haven't actually tried them?    You can get trib for $9.99 at vitamin shoppe  -  which is a bargain.  who know's, could be the best $10 you NEVER spent.     


    Brandon D Christ

    HA! I wish.I've thought about proceeding with a natural med. doc before going through with the hormone replacement therapy but I'm frustrated with the symptoms (fatigue, quality of life, mood swings, etc.). It truly feels like a monkey on my back that I can't shake.

    Ever tried Tribulus?  it's prob one of the only test mobilizers that actually works.  a lot of people will tell you it doesn't BUT it does.  I have legit sources to back that up too!    only 9.99  -  i'd try that first.  Otherwise, look forward to jabbing yourself with a needle every 5 days... and i'm personally not too big a fan of HRT / TRT because they like to use longer esters which translates to test levels dropping over 5-7 days before another injection -  meaning less stable blood levels, meaning mood swing potential.  just my 2 cents.

    Mind posting the legit sources?  All the studies I have ever seen on tribulus have shown it to be ineffective.  There are two studies though that show d-aspartic acid to raise test levels.

    My trainer is a chemist... i'll ask him.    Tribulus gives me the same kind of effects as testosterone, i know this because i have used them both...  and i've always had great gains using it.  D-AA  does absolutely nothing for me despite the 'studies' ...

    Sorry BigR, but the fact that your trainer is a chemist doesn't really give it any credibility in my eyes.  Unless he is aware of studies on it.

    What i  am saying is that the study's don't really mean anything to me.  i take them with a grain of salt -  What works is what i am going to use.  But neither will work for everyonehave you used trib before? what dosage?    how about DAA ?

    No, I have not tried it, nor will I unless I get it for free or until I see some sort of evidence that it works.  I understand skepticism towards studies, but in this situation, the study would be very cut and dry.  You measure the test levels of a group of participants, give some trib, give others a placebo, and measure the final results.  If trib really did raise T-levels, some of the participants in the trib group would have higher T-levels.How do you know you aren't just getting a placebo effect?  Do you have your results from a t-level test?

    Lol.  so you are saying they don't work because that is what the study says.... even though you haven't actually tried them?    You can get trib for $9.99 at vitamin shoppe  -  which is a bargain.  who know's, could be the best $10 you NEVER spent.   

    Correct.  That's exactly what I am saying.  I am not going to buy every single supplement and try it myself without any proof that it works.  If the stuff worked, the study would have shown it to work.  Numbers don't lie, but people do...




    HA! I wish.I've thought about proceeding with a natural med. doc before going through with the hormone replacement therapy but I'm frustrated with the symptoms (fatigue, quality of life, mood swings, etc.). It truly feels like a monkey on my back that I can't shake.

    Ever tried Tribulus?  it's prob one of the only test mobilizers that actually works.  a lot of people will tell you it doesn't BUT it does.  I have legit sources to back that up too!    only 9.99  -  i'd try that first.  Otherwise, look forward to jabbing yourself with a needle every 5 days... and i'm personally not too big a fan of HRT / TRT because they like to use longer esters which translates to test levels dropping over 5-7 days before another injection -  meaning less stable blood levels, meaning mood swing potential.  just my 2 cents.

    Mind posting the legit sources?  All the studies I have ever seen on tribulus have shown it to be ineffective.  There are two studies though that show d-aspartic acid to raise test levels.

    My trainer is a chemist... i'll ask him.    Tribulus gives me the same kind of effects as testosterone, i know this because i have used them both...  and i've always had great gains using it.  D-AA  does absolutely nothing for me despite the 'studies' ...

    Sorry BigR, but the fact that your trainer is a chemist doesn't really give it any credibility in my eyes.  Unless he is aware of studies on it.

    What i  am saying is that the study's don't really mean anything to me.  i take them with a grain of salt -  What works is what i am going to use.  But neither will work for everyonehave you used trib before? what dosage?    how about DAA ?

    No, I have not tried it, nor will I unless I get it for free or until I see some sort of evidence that it works.  I understand skepticism towards studies, but in this situation, the study would be very cut and dry.  You measure the test levels of a group of participants, give some trib, give others a placebo, and measure the final results.  If trib really did raise T-levels, some of the participants in the trib group would have higher T-levels.How do you know you aren't just getting a placebo effect?  Do you have your results from a t-level test?

    Lol.  so you are saying they don't work because that is what the study says.... even though you haven't actually tried them?    You can get trib for $9.99 at vitamin shoppe  -  which is a bargain.  who know's, could be the best $10 you NEVER spent.   

    Correct.  That's exactly what I am saying.  I am not going to buy every single supplement and try it myself without any proof that it works.  If the stuff worked, the study would have shown it to work.  Numbers don't lie, but people do...

    me neither, but sometimes it pays off 



    Brandon D Christ

    BigR, it's not like I think you're an idiot for trying it.  I just personally want proof something works before I buy it.




    also been several studies showing trib had no effect on people.. but again what effects some doesn't effect others.. but the placebo effect can be strong in some in many cases which screws results all the timehttp://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/17530942http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/10861339http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/15994038http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/18282674either way from all I have read on trib it can be useful in restoring sex drive in older males but not much else aside from that.. so guess it depends on your goals:)



    BigR, it's not like I think you're an idiot for trying it.  I just personally want proof something works before I buy it.

    Lol i don't try it... i use it, because it works.  I'm suggesting it could be the best $10 you ever spent...  despite the studies done on average joe's, which we are not



    BigR, it's not like I think you're an idiot for trying it.  I just personally want proof something works before I buy it.

    Lol i don't try it... i use it, because it works.  I'm suggesting it could be the best $10 you ever spent...  despite the studies done on average joe's, which we are not

    i do agree though it's one supp that is so cheap you might as well try and see if it does anything.. it's expensive stuff like bulbine and many other supps that run you 30+ bucks a month I wouldn't touch unless some good evidence it worked was out there

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Testosterone Replacement Therapy

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