Testosterone Replacement Therapy

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    http://www.amazon.com/IForce-Tribulus-2400-Capsules-90-Count/dp/B004HXNYDG/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&qid=1380726787&sr=8-3&keywords=tribulushttp://www.amazon.com/Universal-Nutrition-UNN-04504-Tribulus-100-Capsules/dp/B002BYG6F6/ref=sr_1_4?ie=UTF8&qid=1380726859&sr=8-4&keywords=tribulushttp://www.amazon.com/Foods-Tribulus-1000mg-Extract-Tablets/dp/B001DNV56Q/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1380726859&sr=8-1&keywords=tribulushttp://www.amazon.com/SAN-Tribuvar-1000-90-Count/dp/B005D01GKK/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1380726893&sr=8-1&keywords=tribuvarthese are the ones I have tried in the past.. unfortunately not one seemed to do anything for me:(

    how many MG a day and what time of the day you take them?  And what other supps were you using at the same time?

    was doing up to 6g  a day on a 45% extract.. other supps were basic stuff like fish oil, magnesium, zinc, b-complex

    Jesus christmas!  i see results at 1500mg a day and thought that was a lot  LOL    how much do you weigh?


    samuel r walker

    Id like to ask your trainer why he would bother going thru all that fuckery to be a chemist and end up as a trainer??? Im a kinesiology student and Im required to fulfill chem. credits and its a total mindfuck!



    http://www.amazon.com/IForce-Tribulus-2400-Capsules-90-Count/dp/B004HXNYDG/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&qid=1380726787&sr=8-3&keywords=tribulushttp://www.amazon.com/Universal-Nutrition-UNN-04504-Tribulus-100-Capsules/dp/B002BYG6F6/ref=sr_1_4?ie=UTF8&qid=1380726859&sr=8-4&keywords=tribulushttp://www.amazon.com/Foods-Tribulus-1000mg-Extract-Tablets/dp/B001DNV56Q/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1380726859&sr=8-1&keywords=tribulushttp://www.amazon.com/SAN-Tribuvar-1000-90-Count/dp/B005D01GKK/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1380726893&sr=8-1&keywords=tribuvarthese are the ones I have tried in the past.. unfortunately not one seemed to do anything for me:(

    how many MG a day and what time of the day you take them?  And what other supps were you using at the same time?

    was doing up to 6g  a day on a 45% extract.. other supps were basic stuff like fish oil, magnesium, zinc, b-complex

    Jesus christmas!  i see results at 1500mg a day and thought that was a lot  LOL    how much do you weigh?

    at the time i was taking them 150lbs



    Id like to ask your trainer why he would bother going thru all that fuckery to be a chemist and end up as a trainer??? Im a kinesiology student and Im required to fulfill chem. credits and its a total mindfuck!

    No he always did bodybuilding in the mean time... then saw how the two were so correlated and started training people.  it was always something he did on the side


    samuel r walker

    Haha I was just fucking around.. I hate chemistry :-



    Haha I was just fucking around.. I hate chemistry :-

    Yeah i understand it is very complex. 


    Walter Norwood

    Big_R – you advise against TRT if at all possible, which I can certainly understand, but by the sounds of it and your own admission you've used test in the past, so I ASSUME you have healthy testosterone levels.I'm not looking to get huge, but at the same time, I'd like to feel like when I'm working out that I'm not playing against a stacked deck. To be at the same test levels as my peers is all I desire. The biggest frustration is the symptoms that go along with it...fatigue/mood swings/depression/etc.



    Big_R - you advise against TRT if at all possible, which I can certainly understand, but by the sounds of it and your own admission you've used test in the past, so I ASSUME you have healthy testosterone levels.I'm not looking to get huge, but at the same time, I'd like to feel like when I'm working out that I'm not playing against a stacked deck. To be at the same test levels as my peers is all I desire. The biggest frustration is the symptoms that go along with it...fatigue/mood swings/depression/etc.

    I was young and uneducated but I've done all this stuff so i feel qualified enough to at least give my input.  I stopped using test because diet and training wasn't on point.  I have trained naturally years later and look better and set higher PR's because i got everything else in check first.  I'm also 26 if that makes a diffference, but i can get fat like anyone else!  Most people can fix a lot of other things and gain muscle before coming to the conclusion that they need testosterone. Supplements/HRT won't correct poor stimulus. ...    I personally  am making gains like crazy now because i have someone in my corner who been doing this stuff for 30 years....  which says a lot since i've been training for about 7 years.  Gets a lot tougher these days #knowledge.IS.power 


    Walter Norwood

    I can understand that, thanks for taking the time to respond and give your input.


    Walter Norwood

    Big_R – What kind of split do you follow? Do you have a log or could you give me an example of your workouts?



    Big_R - What kind of split do you follow? Do you have a log or could you give me an example of your workouts?

    I keep every training log on http://www.JEFIT.COM -  u can view them by making an account and adding me... my username is rickdennis (and no, that's not my real name)Honestly though, my workouts/programs are based on about 30+ body measurements, my own genetic differences, and specific goals in trying to look a certain way.  I always recommend people to get a personal trainer that can take measurements and develop a routine that takes your genetic makeup into consideration and builds on your strong points, while manipulating your weaknesses...  it's highly overlooked and can save you years of chasing your tail!Here is an example of a light shoulder routine that gives me fullness and pops the rear delts out.  and a solid looking 4 pack:Overhead Shoulder Press  Set 1 : 135x12Set 2 : 185x10Set 3 : 225x10Set 4 : 235x10    |  Standing Front Barbell Raise Over HeadSet 1 : 30x10Set 2 : 40x8    |  Dumbbell Bent Over Delt RaiseSet 1 : 25x10Set 2 : 35x9    |  Dumbbell Front RaiseSet 1 : 25x10    |  Reverse Flyes Set 1 : 130x10Set 2 : 140x10Set 3 : 130x10    |  Ab Crunch Machine Set 1 : 110x10Set 2 : 130x10    |  Hanging Knee raise (done slowly, no swing) Set 1 : BWx10Set 2 : BW10



    I have to ask this.. Cuz it doesn't seem like the basics have really been covered.Suap.. how much are you eating? Are you fasting? If so, how often? What kind of training are you doing? Are you sleeping 8+ hrs a night? So many basic, basic things could possibly fix your problems, all without ever having to touch exogenous hormones.. (Well, except the xenoestrogens that are all over the world 😛 )



    I have to ask this.. Cuz it doesn't seem like the basics have really been covered.Suap.. how much are you eating? Are you fasting? If so, how often? What kind of training are you doing? Are you sleeping 8+ hrs a night? So many basic, basic things could possibly fix your problems, all without ever having to touch exogenous hormones.. (Well, except the xenoestrogens that are all over the world 😛 )

    that x10000000The only reason why im on TRT is due to severly under eatig and overtraining while trying to keep sub 6% BF the only thing i can say toMyself is, stupid fucking idiot,



    I have to ask this.. Cuz it doesn't seem like the basics have really been covered.Suap.. how much are you eating? Are you fasting? If so, how often? What kind of training are you doing? Are you sleeping 8+ hrs a night? So many basic, basic things could possibly fix your problems, all without ever having to touch exogenous hormones.. (Well, except the xenoestrogens that are all over the world 😛 )

    that x10000000The only reason why im on TRT is due to severly under eatig and overtraining while trying to keep sub 6% BF the only thing i can say toMyself is, stupid fucking idiot,

    And even still, there is a decent chance one in that situation could dig themselves out of that hole by simply just eating a lot, sleeping a lot, and lowering stress. It would be slow going, and probably wouldn't get someone back to where they would've been without the issue to begin with, but still..



    I have to ask this.. Cuz it doesn't seem like the basics have really been covered.Suap.. how much are you eating? Are you fasting? If so, how often? What kind of training are you doing? Are you sleeping 8+ hrs a night? So many basic, basic things could possibly fix your problems, all without ever having to touch exogenous hormones.. (Well, except the xenoestrogens that are all over the world 😛 )

    that x10000000The only reason why im on TRT is due to severly under eatig and overtraining while trying to keep sub 6% BF the only thing i can say toMyself is, stupid fucking idiot,

    And even still, there is a decent chance one in that situation could dig themselves out of that hole by simply just eating a lot, sleeping a lot, and lowering stress. It would be slow going, and probably wouldn't get someone back to where they would've been without the issue to begin with, but still..

    tried that, never returned to normal, my normal would be about 10 mmol free T which is very normal...... For an old man not a 24 yo

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Testosterone Replacement Therapy

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