Testosterone Replacement Therapy

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    And any suggestions on how to find a good trainer?

    I can tell you this...  if you are looking for someone to train you be sure they ask a lot of questions.  Somebody who has no idea what the fuk they are doing will immediately throw you in there (most of the time anyway) and you'll be bench pressing and squat your way to hell.  you can do that on your own!A good trainer might take measurements a tell you he needs about 5 days to put together a program for you.  That's a good sign at least...  He is going to be an individual who relies heavily on feedback from you also. what is your location?


    Walter Norwood

    Richmond, VA



    Richmond, VA

    If you have a Gold's or Powerhouse nearby i would at least start training there,  it's probably the best place to meet people.  That's how i was able to find people who competed and such and if you are in good shape someone may offer to train you. But the trainers there might be better than other places.


    Yiannis Satsias

    This topic interests me quite a bit.  I honestly was not aware people had testosterone issues unless they were over the age of 40.

    'Yeah ibob as years pass more and more younger individuals have low t issues. Teenagers that should have total T around 600-1000 now have much lower levels. They say it might be the estrogens surrounding us and lowering T or other factors like food processing and lifestyle changes. One thing is for sure. TRT has been growing massively year by year and loads of people in the 30s are on it. Every decade or so testosterone levels drop research is showing.http://www.everydayhealth.com/mens-health/your-teenage-son-may-have-hypogonadism.aspx



    Great post, firstly.Secondly.. in regards to the multiple herbals vs the HRT .. Keep in mind the herbals will work to help your body NATURALLY start producing your hormones, so that in time you stop using them and your body is back to producing them the way they should. The HRT will act in the exact opposite way of supplying the hormones for you, so your body thinks "Oh ok, we don't need to try and make this anymore since we're getting it elsewhere" and it can POTENTIALLY downregulate your ability to make the hormones in the future, thus possibly making HRT a rest-of-your-life type thing. Just my thought on that..Lastly, you said "I'm wondering if the endo would give me say 2 months to work with the naturopath" .. Who gives a crap what the endo will 'allow'? It's your body, neither practitioner can force you to do anything. If it were me, I'd definitely work the natural route first and see what kind of results I can get from that, and quite honestly I probably wouldn't even tell the endo.. I'd just stop going to them, ha.Good luck, man!

    TCB - 1) I really like the endo and got the same feeling, helps when they're attractive. 2) What I was saying is I'd like to suggest that route of treatment first, and ask to work hand in hand with her. "Hey doc, I'd like to try to treat this naturally first...what would you think if I tried to work through this with the naturopath and came back in two months for more blood work?" I kind of need the endo for insurance related blood work so I'm not paying out of pocket for all of the work with the naturopath and also, I'd prefer not to look like a complete ass in 2 months if it doesn't work and have to say "Yeah, so I guess you're right, let's do it your way now." I'd prefer to have her on board is all I'm saying. If she's not for what I want, then you're right, it'd be time to find someone who is. I want to have people helping me on their team and at the same time, I don't want her to think I don't think she's right.Yes, HRT would be a rest of your life type move...thus the reason for my internal debate about which the treatment route.

    Gotcha.. I'm in complete agreement with you. I guess I took the cynical approach and assumed the endo was pushing things on you as "the only way" like mainstream docs tend to. And then the normal personal response is "well, I can't go against a doctor!" So awesome in the way you're handling it! Wish you the best of luck, man.


    samuel r walker

    This topic interests me quite a bit.  I honestly was not aware people had testosterone issues unless they were over the age of 40.

    'Yeah ibob as years pass more and more younger individuals have low t issues. Teenagers that should have total T around 600-1000 now have much lower levels. They say it might be the estrogens surrounding us and lowering T or other factors like food processing and lifestyle changes. One thing is for sure. TRT has been growing massively year by year and loads of people in the 30s are on it. Every decade or so testosterone levels drop research is showing.http://www.everydayhealth.com/mens-health/your-teenage-son-may-have-hypogonadism.aspx

    I watched a segment a while back on birth control in tap water as possible lowering agent of testosterone and sperm count in males. Apparently it isnt totally filtered out, even through water treatment, after it passes through a females urinary system and ends up in drinking water. Since more and more women are taking birth control each year, they saw this as a potential correlation with said lowered counts in males young and old


    Tracy Jarchow

    Endurance training also lowers testosterone levels. Kiefer has said a zillion times Crossfit women into athletes and turns men into little girls because of this very reason. As I understand heavy lifting and some variation of HIIT are the best natural fixes.


    Walter Norwood

    After much consideration, I'm going to give the natural process a chance first, maybe 3-4 months of working with a naturopath to see if I can get things going and then get more bloodwork done and go from there.


    samuel r walker

    If thats the route u wanna go I have heard of ppl taking Vigrx Plus, a male virility supp, to help raise test and libido.. Its expensive as fuck but has a ton of good reviews, and they said it rlly helped.


    Walter Norwood

    Thanks Sammy – I'm going to see what the naturopath has up her sleeve.That's the thing that sucks about going the natural route, nothing is covered by insurance, no visits, herbals, etc...yet we all seem to agree it could be the safer, more desired route.



    If you wait until January, doesn't it have to be covered by insurance? Ha..


    Tracy Jarchow

    Here is great video from Kiefer where he talks about testosterone:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oZev9g_N5Co


    Walter Norwood

    Sleep study results are in – no issues there.I'll keep this thread updated with the treatment course for those interested.



    Good luck Suap!


    Walter Norwood

    Thanks, chief!

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Testosterone Replacement Therapy

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