That good ‘ol flab question…

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    Richard Schmitt

    Just going straight into the question, how would one lose the “extra skin/flab” from losing a lot of weight? I ask this because in the past my weight has jumped up and down, and a couple months (prior to starting CBL) back my weight dropped a good 25lbs in about 2 months (give-er-take). So I pretty much have this excessive skin located at my love-handles/back-fat flabiness. I REALLY want to get rid of this. Been doing HIIT and heavy lifting to get this “removed” but either it's a real slow process, or I'm doing something wrong. It's quite irritating when I want to visibily see my abs without flexing, and that the hardest part of me for leaning out is my mid-section =/


    Lasse Elsbak

    Excess skin takes a LONG time to contract to the new shape underneath. I read somewhere that people who have lost a lot of weight could hope for 6-7 years. 25 lbs isn't that much though – you might be a little paranoid? 😛 I think your best shot though, is to build muscle to fill out 😉


    Richard Schmitt

    Excess skin takes a LONG time to contract to the new shape underneath. I read somewhere that people who have lost a lot of weight could hope for 6-7 years. 25 lbs isn't that much though - you might be a little paranoid? 😛 I think your best shot though, is to build muscle to fill out 😉

    I know I am about my body composition haha, and definitely trying to get more muscle to fill everything out, just want it to go away. but I guess I'm on a waiting game.



    Plus, you have to be REALLY lean to get your lower abs shredded so just keep plugging away and you'll get there. Just remember Martin Berkhan and Kiefer both were over weight and now they have defined abs with no "good 'ol flab"  😉


    Luis S.

    You stress too much Tex.  😛 From the pictures ive seen on your log you have nothing to worry about. The problems whit flabby skin usually happen to over weight people who lost 75+ lbs. Go on Kiefer's facebook and look at his tagged photos and he has a picture of a client that dropped 60lbs in 12 weeks and has no signs of loose skin. In regards to wanting to get shreded, have you considered CNS? I was in the same state of mind you are not too long ago, wanting to do it with CBL, and its very much possible, but in the couple trial runs of CNS i saw major improvement. If you want to get shreded CNS is the way to go.


    Conrado Tiu

    Just going straight into the question, how would one lose the "extra skin/flab" from losing a lot of weight? I ask this because in the past my weight has jumped up and down, and a couple months (prior to starting CBL) back my weight dropped a good 25lbs in about 2 months (give-er-take). So I pretty much have this excessive skin located at my love-handles/back-fat flabiness. I REALLY want to get rid of this. Been doing HIIT and heavy lifting to get this "removed" but either it's a real slow process, or I'm doing something wrong. It's quite irritating when I want to visibily see my abs without flexing, and that the hardest part of me for leaning out is my mid-section =/

    loose skin will always be an issue when you lose weight fast.  It takes time (especially as you get older!) and that is why it's important not to keep stretching it by gaining at the wrong places or bloating (how bloated do you get after a backload? bloating causes the skin to stretch).  Increase the blood flow to your skin in the loose places where you want it contract by massaging in an upward motion (with knuckles, etc.) 5 minutes 2x/day, and those extra nutrients will HELP A LITTLE (don't expect miracles now), in shortening the time frame. The pic attached is my chiropractor (57 y.o. at the time) who won 2nd place at the ironman naturals coming in shredded to the max between 2-3% bf.  See the loose skin?



    he's also almost 60 though, doesn't that change things? (lookin awesome for that age btw haha)I feel if tex gets to where he wants to be bf wise and then stays there, eventually his skin will tighten up just fine.


    Conrado Tiu

    he's also almost 60 though, doesn't that change things? (lookin awesome for that age btw haha)I feel if tex gets to where he wants to be bf wise and then stays there, eventually his skin will tighten up just fine.

    Yes, I just put up that pic to show Tex even bodybuilders have the same issues.  My chiropractor does not have loose skin at 8% where he is most of the year.  Yo-yo weight gain and loss will make it difficult to tighten up.  So watch for the bloating.


    Richard Schmitt

    Thanks for the advice and tips everyone. I will be sure to utilize the information given. Probably going to give CNS a run for the next three months to see what happens. If I like what I see then I'll stick to that for the recommended 6 months, and then probably do CBL to re-gain muscle for a bit. I have moved completely away from the scale, just now a little tensed/worried about body composition. Tomorrow (03/29/2012) starting my prep phase for the next 10 days, it's perfectly timed because I'll be flying for the next two-three days. I'm being impatient y'all, sorry about that. =P



    I have lost over 100lbs, and about 15inches from my waist in the last couple of years. My skin is very loose, and i have a shitload of stretchmarks, but the only place i have a visible “flab” og skin is on my lower stomach, and that is just a tiny amount. It probably will get worse as i lose more fat, but there is not much to do about it. It just slowly gets better. 



    Thanks for the advice and tips everyone. I will be sure to utilize the information given. Probably going to give CNS a run for the next three months to see what happens. If I like what I see then I'll stick to that for the recommended 6 months, and then probably do CBL to re-gain muscle for a bit. I have moved completely away from the scale, just now a little tensed/worried about body composition. Tomorrow (03/29/2012) starting my prep phase for the next 10 days, it's perfectly timed because I'll be flying for the next two-three days. I'm being impatient y'all, sorry about that. =P

    Good luck with your prep phase.



    Hey Tex, how tall are you, and how much do you weigh? Cause I was looking to get to 185 at 6'1″ and I am curious to your stats to gauge my own.


    Brandon D Christ

    Skin shouldn't be loose after losing 25 lbs, especially someone younger like you Tex.  I lost 40lbs in 6 months and I didn't have any loose skin issues.I once heard that not drinking enough water can cause that.



    Look in to dry skin brushing.  You use a natural fiber brush and brush your skin daily towards your heart.  It tightens the skin and keeps it from getting loose as you lose fat. 


    Kevin rogers

    Interesting and good info.

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That good ‘ol flab question…

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