The Art of Food

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    Hey Everyone!Got something fun and yummy for everyone to look at and think about!I'm an artist and after starting Carb Nite my subject matter turned to food. (No surprise there)My pieces ended up capturing my actual carb nights' food choices. I think it's safe to say that we all here put out food on a pedestal. So for your enjoyment, here is a couple picture. I can't upload them all but go to to see more!What food would you want to capture?



    Love it! That cheesecake looks amazing, ha



    You are talented!


    Richard Schmitt

    This is cool!



    Thank you so much! Do you guys have any food items that you particularly love to eat on your carb nights?


    Hey Everyone!Got something fun and yummy for everyone to look at and think about!I'm an artist and after starting Carb Nite my subject matter turned to food. (No surprise there)My pieces ended up capturing my actual carb nights' food choices. I think it's safe to say that we all here put out food on a pedestal. So for your enjoyment, here is a couple picture. I can't upload them all but go to to see more!What food would you want to capture?

    have to agree....cheesecake one is awesome!Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk Pro



    Thank you so much! Do you guys have any food items that you particularly love to eat on your carb nights?

    When I was on CN, almost every one ended with a pint of Ben and Jerry's Phish Food.. Hah



    Scones. Scones scones scones. Jasmine rice.. and more scones.I "liked" them before CN, but now? It's like cocaine. I just want to stuff my face with them. Crush them up and inhale them through my nose... <3Beautiful pictures! The food looks so real, I'm pretty sure my mouth started salivating. Mmmm..



    Scones. Scones scones scones. Jasmine rice.. and more scones.I "liked" them before CN, but now? It's like cocaine. I just want to stuff my face with them. Crush them up and inhale them through my nose... <3Beautiful pictures! The food looks so real, I'm pretty sure my mouth started salivating. Mmmm..

    Whoa.. little extreme...I mean really.. You couldn't taste them then. 😛But at least we now know "What Spatz Does." 🙂



    Yup, snorts scones on CNs. 😉 Not really, but goodness, that certainly is my biggest craving throughout the week.



    So good to hear from you guys. Love the enthusiasm lol and inspiration!


    Eloise Eaton

    I like Juicy Lucy Doughnuts &  The Leaning Tower of Berries best. I would rather eat the former though 🙂 oh how I miss doughnuts. I've never found gluten free ones.



    Well then I have good news for you Eloise! I just finished off my carb nite with a gluten free, trans fat free, and dairy free doughnut. I bought them at my local co-op, Lakewinds, an all organic grocery store. The brand is Kinnikinnick foods though. Here's their website… got their vanilla glazed donuts, surprisingly amazing!


    Richard Schmitt

    Personally think those are the best gluten free donuts you can buy. I make some myself but when I need one quick those are good.


    Eloise Eaton

    was all excited at the idea of the doughnuts so lept to website……NOOOOOOO they have corn. :'( :'( :'( :'( Corn kills me more than gluten!

    Personally think those are the best gluten free donuts you can buy. I make some myself but when I need one quick those are good.

    You make them!!!! Recipe required please also some some food porn photos would be good.

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The Art of Food

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