The Breakfast Myth

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    I know that most people here understand why we skip breakfast, but i couldn't help sharing the Gnolls article, part 2 is cool too. Actually the whole site that J. Stanton has put together is pretty good.Hope someone else find it interesting



    oh i forgot to link this video too. there is a whole series but this is my favourite. big fat fiasco recommend watching the whole series though



    Breakfast sucks!  I'm still pissed about how long I forced myself to choke down that crap against my will! I did it all too.  Oatmeal, fruit, whole wheat junk, aarrrrggghhh!  The worst part is, the whole time I was telling myself that I should be in control, doing what I knew was right for me! But I was brainwashed like the rest of them!I forced myself to eat oatmeal for the love of God! I hate that shit!This post can't contain enough exclamation points to show how vehement I am!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    Great video series… Thanks for the link… I might have to Clockwork Orange style make my gf watch these


    Naomi Most

    Breakfast sucks!  I'm still pissed about how long I forced myself to choke down that crap against my will! I did it all too.  Oatmeal, fruit, whole wheat junk, aarrrrggghhh!  The worst part is, the whole time I was telling myself that I should be in control, doing what I knew was right for me! But I was brainwashed like the rest of them!I forced myself to eat oatmeal for the love of God! I hate that shit!This post can't contain enough exclamation points to show how vehement I am!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Me too.  I was sucking down protein shakes in the morning, doing that "30g of protein within 30 minutes of waking up" nonsense.To be honest, I enjoyed it, but it definitely kept me chubby and made me hungrier all day.



    I always enjoyed breakfast ever since I can remember but now that I am skipping it I have adapted to it, I really did miss it at first but not so much these days.


    Richard Schmitt

    You know “breakfast meals” are perfect for backloading after a training session, if we come to think about it. You can make French Toast without the cinammon, just pour Walden Farms Pancake Syrup over it, make Breakfast Burritos, can make some potatoes, etc. It isn't “gone”, just timed differently =D except for oatmeal =/ forbidden/cheat meal haha….



    Damn you tex you found my black ops secret lol. Actually I still enjoy my breakfast meal but at a later time is all, I usually do it for my noon hr lunch and if I feel like it pwo as well.


    Richard Schmitt

    Damn you tex you found my black ops secret lol. Actually I still enjoy my breakfast meal but at a later time is all, I usually do it for my noon hr lunch and if I feel like it pwo as well.

    LMAO XD my bad!! It's something I think about when I get home to make, I grab the French Toast in the mornings and put it in the fridge to have with dinner!

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The Breakfast Myth

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