The day after the day after Carbnite

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    Say you carb nite on Saturday, and Sunday morning you see the weight increase. The whole sunday is back to Low Carb but Monday sees a slight weight gain, not decrease. what gives?Is this an extended hangover frm carb nite,Is it common, and can anyone explain it pls?I used to do back to back Carbnites with exercise (CBL) before I ate (Fri Sat). So after 2 days of gain, Sunday was my maxout weight before decreases happened again. I just switched to pure carbnite (once a week) for more fat loss and this is puzzling me.thanks


    Richard Schmitt

    What do you do the next two days? Do you drink enough water to flush everything out? Your body is either a) experiencing full muscle/glycogen stores again (which is completely normal and actually shows how you BW should be) or b) literally “holding” those carbs internally and you need to rid the waste.A hangover, just like drinking, means you had too much. In this case carbs. I'm sure most would disagree, but honestly that's the issue here. Have you listened to the Kiefer and Dr Patel podcast recently? There's a thread that has a link. What I'm getting at here is that with goal of fat loss, you don't need to have a ton of carbs. Have a dinner or two and a dessert and a snack. Controlled feedings just like your time with CBL.



    What happened is you kept storing water for the carbs you ate the day before. Your body stores 4g water for every 1g carbs so if you only had 2g water to start the next day your body stored the other 2g the next day and that's why you saw an increase in weight on your ULC day.



    Drink more water during ULC. Drink ALOT more water during CN. And try to up sodium, money that helps!

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The day after the day after Carbnite

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