The Dumbest Nutrition or Training Advice You Ever Heard

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    Brandon D Christ

    Let's have some fun and start a thread listing the worst nutrition or training advice you ever heard.  The worst nutrition advice I ever heard was on yahoo answers when someone asked about gaining muscle mass.  Some idiot told him to supplement with nuts for “high quality protein”.The worst training advice I saw was on a Crew (Rowing) forum were someone said training biceps is pointless because biceps aren't used in rowing or any other sport and the only people who train biceps are guys that want to look good on the beach. 



    Here's an old school one. -Women shouldn't run "x" distance because their reproductive organs will fall out of their bodies.


    Oh dear lord, this should be a fun thread.I posted something about the study that showed low carb diets burn more calories and a trainer I'm friends with said that people should eat as little fat as possible, 30g or less a day, because the only thing fat does in the body is get stored and that cellulite is caused by fat being stored in the fascia, or "Fashia" as she put it.


    Richard Schmitt

    Organic is best route to go for eating your fruits and your veggies. Wheat products are your best friend.


    Brandon D Christ

    Oh dear lord, this should be a fun thread.I posted something about the study that showed low carb diets burn more calories and a trainer I'm friends with said that people should eat as little fat as possible, 30g or less a day, because the only thing fat does in the body is get stored and that cellulite is caused by fat being stored in the fascia, or "Fashia" as she put it.

    I think your friend got fat confused with fructose.


    Another one from that same trainer.I shared a picture of Julia Ladewski for my co-workers to see to show that lifting weights wouldn't make them bulky.The trainer said that Julia just lucked out with genetics to not be bulky, but woman shouldn't lift weights because they bulk up much easier then men.



    How about:"I get all my carbs in throughout the day and never eat after 6pm"


    How about:"I get all my carbs in throughout the day and never eat after 6pm"

    Don't forget "If you don't eat every 2-3 hour you go into starvation mode and anything you eat it automatically stored as fat."


    Damon Amato

    After my step fathers first heart attack, he was told to eat less than 9g fat/day. He did that for 7 months and then stopped….because he had another heart attack. Three dietitians at a major hospital prescribed this for him. 



    'Eat Less, Exercise More'My blood boils every time I hear this 🙁



    How about:"I get all my carbs in throughout the day and never eat after 6pm"

    Don't forget "If you don't eat every 2-3 hour you go into starvation mode and anything you eat it automatically stored as fat."

    i literally LOL'd at my desk when i read this one -  too damn funny!what a great thread



    A low fat diet is recommended for diabetics by the British National Health Service:"The belief that if you have diabetes you will have to eat special foods is untrue. Your diet should be a healthy diet, high in fibre, fruit and vegetables and low in fat, salt and sugar." Then links to the standard 'wholegrains' style food plate.



    Saturated fat and dietary cholesterol lead to heart disease.  Eating breakfast is the key to a healthy metabolism.  “White ain't right” so stick to brown rice, brown sugar, whole wheat bread, etc.



    Eat carbs with every mealEat as soon as you wakeEat 30g of protein every 2-3 hours or you'll waste awayDon't eat carbs late at nightDon't eat too much animal fatCBL pretty much laughs in the face of all advice I've been given/read about in the past. And it works!



    Saturated fat and dietary cholesterol lead to heart disease.  Eating breakfast is the key to a healthy metabolism.  "White ain't right" so stick to brown rice, brown sugar, whole wheat bread, etc.

    i only eat maybe 4 to 5 whole eggs a day at most but it still freaks out people because of how much cholesterol is in an egg. i dont even bother explaining my diet anymore to people.I tried to convince a friend to try CBl. He wont do it. Says that since he used to be real overweight that he is way more likely to gain fat than i am. I don't think it works that way.

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The Dumbest Nutrition or Training Advice You Ever Heard

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