The Dumbest Nutrition or Training Advice You Ever Heard

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    Saturated fat and dietary cholesterol lead to heart disease.  Eating breakfast is the key to a healthy metabolism.  "White ain't right" so stick to brown rice, brown sugar, whole wheat bread, etc.

    i only eat maybe 4 to 5 whole eggs a day at most but it still freaks out people because of how much cholesterol is in an egg. i dont even bother explaining my diet anymore to people.I tried to convince a friend to try CBl. He wont do it. Says that since he used to be real overweight that he is way more likely to gain fat than i am. I don't think it works that way.

    Actually that is true. Take two people who are at the same weight, one naturally and one dieted down, and the one who dieted down will have a lower daily caloric expenditure than the one who did not. So in a way, he's right. In the end it comes down to a variety of factors, diet included.



    Another one from that same trainer.I shared a picture of Julia Ladewski for my co-workers to see to show that lifting weights wouldn't make them bulky.The trainer said that Julia just lucked out with genetics to not be bulky, but woman shouldn't lift weights because they bulk up much easier then men.<

    You have got to be fucking kidding me. Testosterone anyone? Bueller?



    “A woman should never lift more than three pounds.” — Tracey Anderson


    CBL pretty much laughs in the face of all advice I've been given/read about in the past. And it works!

    +1...and coming from that old-school bodybuilding way of thinking, I was skeptical of CNS / CBL first -- until I tried them, and they worked!Cory


    Saturated fat and dietary cholesterol lead to heart disease.  Eating breakfast is the key to a healthy metabolism.  "White ain't right" so stick to brown rice, brown sugar, whole wheat bread, etc.

    i only eat maybe 4 to 5 whole eggs a day at most but it still freaks out people because of how much cholesterol is in an egg. i dont even bother explaining my diet anymore to people.I tried to convince a friend to try CBl. He wont do it. Says that since he used to be real overweight that he is way more likely to gain fat than i am. I don't think it works that way.

    I told a woman in my office that I eat 21-22 eggs a day (she had asked, b/c she keeps smelling eggs from my workstation), and her jaw dropped.  LOL.Cory


    Brandon D Christ

    "A woman should never lift more than three pounds." — Tracey Anderson

    Wow, that is ridiculous.  What about when a woman is pregnant?  I would guess everyday, even in modern societies, a human being would have to lift something that is over three pounds at least once.  What's terrible is people listen to these people.


    Brandon D Christ

    Saturated fat and dietary cholesterol lead to heart disease.  Eating breakfast is the key to a healthy metabolism.  "White ain't right" so stick to brown rice, brown sugar, whole wheat bread, etc.

    i only eat maybe 4 to 5 whole eggs a day at most but it still freaks out people because of how much cholesterol is in an egg. i dont even bother explaining my diet anymore to people.I tried to convince a friend to try CBl. He wont do it. Says that since he used to be real overweight that he is way more likely to gain fat than i am. I don't think it works that way.

    I told a woman in my office that I eat 21-22 eggs a day (she had asked, b/c she keeps smelling eggs from my workstation), and her jaw dropped.  LOL.Cory

    I was on a work trip once and I was lectured by five overweight people eating cookies that my lunch of half a pound of bacon and five eggs will give me a heart attack.



    I was on a work trip once and I was lectured by five overweight people eating cookies that my lunch of half a pound of bacon and five eggs will give me a heart attack.

    Hilarious ... But also sad. Yup. Tracy Anderson is a total idiot. In another women's magazine she was advocating a 300 kcal a day diet. Grr@Cory 22 eggs hahaha. Would have loved to have seen her face 😀


    Saturated fat and dietary cholesterol lead to heart disease.  Eating breakfast is the key to a healthy metabolism.  "White ain't right" so stick to brown rice, brown sugar, whole wheat bread, etc.

    i only eat maybe 4 to 5 whole eggs a day at most but it still freaks out people because of how much cholesterol is in an egg. i dont even bother explaining my diet anymore to people.I tried to convince a friend to try CBl. He wont do it. Says that since he used to be real overweight that he is way more likely to gain fat than i am. I don't think it works that way.

    I told a woman in my office that I eat 21-22 eggs a day (she had asked, b/c she keeps smelling eggs from my workstation), and her jaw dropped.  LOL.Cory

    I was on a work trip once and I was lectured by five overweight people eating cookies that my lunch of half a pound of bacon and five eggs will give me a heart attack.

    It always humors me when people don't see the folly in their own actions, yet criticize the living hell out of someone else who might actually be aware of WHAT they are doing (even if it defies convention).There is another woman at my office who doesn't like the smell of my eggs, and makes it obvious by spraying nasty-ass perfume all around my workstation (she is clearly passive-aggressive).  She says zero to me.That said, she is a chain-smoker who thinks eating non-stop salads, lifting kiddie weights, and doing endless cardio is going to fix her physique issues.Cory


    @Cory 22 eggs hahaha. Would have loved to have seen her face 😀

    Total jaw-drop, wide-eyed stare.  Priceless.  😉She didn't criticize (she's too nice of a person), just had a sort of child-like curiosity in her look of shock.Cory


    Lauren Norfleet

    "A woman should never lift more than three pounds." — Tracey Anderson

    Wow, that is ridiculous.  What about when a woman is pregnant?  I would guess everyday, even in modern societies, a human being would have to lift something that is over three pounds at least once.  What's terrible is people listen to these people.

    Uh, my purse weighs more than 3 lbs, and I would bet most women's purses do too. What a crock of shit.


    Uh, my purse weighs more than 3 lbs, and I would bet most women's purses do too. What a crock of shit.

    What a lot of people fail to tell women in mainstream media, is that to look like Iris Kyle, for instance, women don't just need heavy weights and food, they need to use steady cycles of premium gear from a doctor writing scripts 'under the table'.Cory


    Brandon D Christ

    Uh, my purse weighs more than 3 lbs, and I would bet most women's purses do too. What a crock of shit.

    What a lot of people fail to tell women in mainstream media, is that to look like Iris Kyle, for instance, women don't just need heavy weights and food, they need to use steady cycles of premium gear from a doctor writing scripts 'under the table'.Cory

    It's not even that, does anybody realize how hard someone like Iris Kyle would have to work to acheive that physique?  Even if you have the genetics and the drugs, you would have to work very hard, much harder than some model or actress does on their physiques, to look like that.  Why do people think getting big and muscular is easy.  It's not it's really hard and in comparison, getting the "toned look" is easy.


    It's not even that, does anybody realize how hard someone like Iris Kyle would have to work to acheive that physique?  Even if you have the genetics and the drugs, you would have to work very hard, much harder than some model or actress does on their physiques, to look like that.  Why do people think getting big and muscular is easy.  It's not it's really hard and in comparison, getting the "toned look" is easy.

    Totally.  I was not ragging on Iris, as I have a lot of respect for what she does.  Her nutrient timing, weight training, etc. are TOP of the game... esp. considering she is a reigning Ms. Olympia!You're preaching to the chior, Bob.  🙂Cory



    "A woman should never lift more than three pounds." — Tracey Anderson

    i can think of something that weighs more  than 3 pounds      ;D  haha

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The Dumbest Nutrition or Training Advice You Ever Heard

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