The Great "Where is Kiefer ???" Thread

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    I know I am a noob here,but….I have always had a little uneasy feeling on this forum,like there is an elephant in the room or something,but I have not seen it mentioned anywhere.The question is...does Kiefer participate in this forum?I kind of feel like a dude in the Wizard of Oz,and just asking about this will get me a deafening "MMMUUUWWAAAHHHHH!!!!!" just for mentioning this.sorry if this has been clearly addressed before.



    I know I am a noob here,but....I have always had a little uneasy feeling on this forum,like there is an elephant in the room or something,but I have not seen it mentioned anywhere.The question is...does Kiefer participate in this forum?I kind of feel like a dude in the Wizard of Oz,and just asking about this will get me a deafening "MMMUUUWWAAAHHHHH!!!!!" just for mentioning this.sorry if this has been clearly addressed before.

    afaik he hasn't in many months.. i have seen his recent interviews with various people so he is still out there working on new material.. it is sort of disheartening he seems to of left his own site in the dark during this though.. but i honestly come here to chat and read peoples ideas and experiences on things...currently I don't really follow either of his protocols


    Brandon D Christ

    Kiefer doesn't really post anymore, but if you pay attention closely, he will occasionally log on and creep.



    Kiefer doesn't really post anymore, but if you pay attention closely, he will occasionally log on and creep.

    What a creeper!Though Mag, a good idea would be to search for his posts and read through them, he generally posts a lot of good information. He doesn't really chit-chat so they are all relevant. I'm expecting that he will start being more present once his new products come out.


    David M Pope

    Kiefer doesn't really post anymore, but if you pay attention closely, he will occasionally log on and creep.

    What a creeper!Though Mag, a good idea would be to search for his posts and read through them, he generally posts a lot of good information. He doesn't really chit-chat so they are all relevant. I'm expecting that he will start being more present once his new products come out.

    You can actually find his user name/profile pretty easy and then click on his posts...good way to cover bases as well. Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk



    Yes, I “creep” all the time. If you are part of the Super Humans In Training group on Facebook, I had one of my admins post this for me:  Kiefer is staying quiet until the New Year so he can focus on bringing better products, information, and some surprises for everyone. Patience everyone.



    Yes, I "creep" all the time. If you are part of the Super Humans In Training group on Facebook, I had one of my admins post this for me:  Kiefer is staying quiet until the New Year so he can focus on bringing better products, information, and some surprises for everyone. Patience everyone.

    i follow on twitter but no facebook for me.. nice to see some activity though:)


    Lesli Bortz

    Yes, I "creep" all the time. If you are part of the Super Humans In Training group on Facebook, I had one of my admins post this for me:  Kiefer is staying quiet until the New Year so he can focus on bringing better products, information, and some surprises for everyone. Patience everyone.

    This makes me very happy.  ;D


    Ask and you shall receive.New products/info coinciding with the time of the year where everyone and their mother jump on the fitness/healthier lifestyle/gym life train...niceeeee



    Yes, I "creep" all the time. If you are part of the Super Humans In Training group on Facebook, I had one of my admins post this for me:  Kiefer is staying quiet until the New Year so he can focus on bringing better products, information, and some surprises for everyone. Patience everyone.

    Oh lovely! I had thought the person who said "surprises for everyone" was joking a bit... Now I'm really excited. 🙂

    New products/info coinciding with the time of the year where everyone and their mother jump on the fitness/healthier lifestyle/gym life train...niceeeee

    Smart man, that Kiefer. 😉


    Brandon D Christ

    Yes, I "creep" all the time. If you are part of the Super Humans In Training group on Facebook, I had one of my admins post this for me:  Kiefer is staying quiet until the New Year so he can focus on bringing better products, information, and some surprises for everyone. Patience everyone.

    Haha sorry Kiefer I didn't mean anything bad by saying that you creep.


    Yes, I "creep" all the time. If you are part of the Super Humans In Training group on Facebook, I had one of my admins post this for me:  Kiefer is staying quiet until the New Year so he can focus on bringing better products, information, and some surprises for everyone. Patience everyone.

    Haha sorry Kiefer I didn't mean anything bad by saying that you creep.

    I swear this happens to you every time Ibob.Like the cardio thread, haha.



    Yes, I "creep" all the time. If you are part of the Super Humans In Training group on Facebook, I had one of my admins post this for me:  Kiefer is staying quiet until the New Year so he can focus on bringing better products, information, and some surprises for everyone. Patience everyone.

    Looking forward to it!


    Brandon D Christ

    Yes, I "creep" all the time. If you are part of the Super Humans In Training group on Facebook, I had one of my admins post this for me:  Kiefer is staying quiet until the New Year so he can focus on bringing better products, information, and some surprises for everyone. Patience everyone.

    Haha sorry Kiefer I didn't mean anything bad by saying that you creep.

    I swear this happens to you every time Ibob.Like the cardio thread, haha.

    Yea I wonder if I'm still on his shit list!


    Richard Schmitt

    Haha I wouldn't doubt it XD

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 19 total)

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The Great "Where is Kiefer ???" Thread

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