The "I Can Eat Anything"-Guy

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    Hey guys,I caught up with two of my buddies recently and proudly spoke about my results with CNS and CBL. I'm quite happy with the results and think I got quite far in 3 months (basically lost about 4 kg and put it back on as muscle). Anyways, my two buddies are still much bigger and more ripped than me. Their workout routine is not much different from mine and when I ask them about their diet, all they say is "I never had to watch what I eat... I can eat whatever I want and don't put on fat."You can imagine how frustrating it is to watch what you eat EVERY SINGLE DAY and although you make progress, people who don't care about their diet whatsoever still achieve better results.My question now is WHY? And I hope the answer is not only genes coz that's something I can't control and influence.By the way I see CNS or CBL as special "bodybuilding" diets to get lean but not necessarily as a lifestyle. Outside of those protocols I'm on the paleo side and think that's a long term solution for long term health. However, even there I see a lot of my friends still staying normal - not too skinny and not too fat - not getting sick, no cardio vascular diseases or anything. And it makes me question my diet... are all those restrictions really worth it? Seems like most people around me are doing quite well with a regular carbohydrate heavy diet.And of course they throw that at me like "See, I can eat carbs and still stay normal".What is your experience? How do you counter in such situations? Do you have friends who can "eat just anything"?



    I think genetics and metabolism play a huge role in that.


    Genetics man. That's all it is.



    The I-Can-Eat-Anything women used to frustrate me no end. Until I read found CNS and did more research and realised they're actually skinny-fat and I bet their vitals (cholesterol, blood pressure etc) are pretty bad also. Finally, at age 29, I no longer want to look like them have no desire to be able to fit into skinny jeans.



    Be more alpha. Improves insulin sensitivity.



    I “hope” they are skinny fat an their vitals are not better than mine. Everything else would be pretty frustrating.But I don't want to accept that it's just their genetics. That would mean that their whole hormone balance + metabolism would would different from mine and that's hard to believe.


    Jamie Hobdell

    TokyoI blamed my genetics for years. For failing to get jacked back in my youth.After years of pondering and learning, trying to find an answer as to why I never got as huge as I would've liked, considering I did train my ass off. Lot of effort put in there.I came to a couple of conclusions. And whatever those conclusions were, it don't matter now.I realised that as long as I try to get the many variables about right, don't train with disregard to sloppy form. Then I can't worry/blame my genetics. You gotta dance with the person that brought ya.And make the best of that. If you love to lift, it's about as good as it gets.ChubChub

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The "I Can Eat Anything"-Guy

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