"The Muscle Matrix" by John Meadows, C.S.C.S.

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    Today on mensfitness.com."The Muscle Matrix" by John Meadows, C.S.C.S.Design your own workout based on the weak points you want to improve in your physique.http://www.mensfitness.com/training/build-muscle/workout-of-the-month-the-muscle-matrixI am not sure if the writer of this article is the same John Meadows on the Biojacked Podcast with Kiefer.



    Didn't read the whole thing and its the same John Meadows that we all know and love. Lol


    Richard Schmitt

    Thanks for the link Storm, reading over it now.



    Oh nice, something to read at work while taking a nap on a tram somewhere…


    Didn't read the whole thing and its the same John Meadows that we all know and love. Lol

    The one and only.



    Didn't read the whole thing and its the same John Meadows that we all know and love. Lol

    The one and only.

    His workouts and nutritional plans are sick!!!Shopping videos are funny and full of good info. I Highly recommend anyone to read his work.


    Didn't read the whole thing and its the same John Meadows that we all know and love. Lol

    The one and only.

    His workouts and nutritional plans are sick!!!Shopping videos are funny and full of good info. I Highly recommend anyone to read his work.

    Agreed, Meadows is the man.



    x2 with the above and 10 bucks a month for this site is a steal considering how much info he gives away!



    Tempting. What kind of info?



    Tempting. What kind of info?

    Good info on diet training and everything in between.



    Lots of training stuff from his pro clients, his workouts, nutrition articles, advanced nutrition articles and training articles.



    I find his exercise tweaks and variations awesome like the Meadows row and 1-arm barbell rows – before those 2 exercises I never really felt it in my lower lats. Now they are a staple in any back training I do. The videos of him training with Dave Tate are S-I-C-K.



    I find his exercise tweaks and variations awesome like the Meadows row and 1-arm barbell rows - before those 2 exercises I never really felt it in my lower lats. Now they are a staple in any back training I do. The videos of him training with Dave Tate are S-I-C-K.

    Fuckin x2 single arm bb is probably my favourite exercise now! And yeah him and tate working together is too sick-Mike



    Sickest combo EVER!!!1 arm BB rows will be done today and I need to build a meadows row handle too.



    Sickest combo EVER!!!1 arm BB rows will be done today and I need to build a meadows row handle too.

    The handle is an add on. The meadows row does not require the use of the handle. Just grab the loading sleeve of the bar. I've been doing them that way for years. If the weight on the bar exceeds your grip, put straps on.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NMONO_cTI-Q&feature=share&list=PLA808445EA052D63A

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"The Muscle Matrix" by John Meadows, C.S.C.S.

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