The Perfect Rep by Christian Thibaudeau

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    Stanley Buck

    Who has read this, and what is your take, and are you implementing it?


    Richard Schmitt

    It's ELECT and PSR


    Stanley Buck

    I know that is from Shockwave but have not seen the program yet, still waiting



    Here you go:• ELECTStanding for Eccentric-Loading, Explosive-ConTraction, ELECT is a method ofperforming a single repletion to produce maximum strength gains, maximumcentral-nervous system (CNS) stimulation without over-stimulating or burningout the CNS. The repletion consists of lowering the weight through theeccentric part of the movement in 1 second, “releasing” the tension rightbefore reaching the turnaround point, then exploding into the contractionwhich should raise the weight as rapidly as possible on each repetition.• PSRPartitioned-Set Ramping (PSR) allows maximum stimulation of the motornerves,allowing you to push harder than possible with a normal straight set. Aportioned set starts with a target repetition range, usually between 12 and 20reps inclusive broken into partitions of smaller rep ranges, usually 3 to 4repetitions per partition. The first partition is done with an extremely lightweight using ELECT rep performance. Immediately after completing thispartition, select a higher weight and perform the next partition. Continue untilthe last partition (normally, only 5 partitions are performed, but more may beappropriate), at which point you may choose to use normal rep performance foryour final few reps.

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The Perfect Rep by Christian Thibaudeau

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