The Weight Of The Nation

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    Just found this 4 part documentary about the obesity problem in America. it starts a bit slow, but its really interesting. Watching hearts and livers of obese people, i became very aware of my own organs 😛



    Lol.  You could probably sit in a park anywhere in America with a camcorder for twenty minutes and then title the footage “A Documentary of Obesity”. 



    Would not be very informative, interesting or entertaining though.


    Brandon D Christ

    I don't think so, fat people don't walk in parks.  Now a Walmart would be good for some footage.


    Damon Amato

    I saw the first three parts.  Not bad, but unfortunately says two things that are not helping:  “A calorie is a calorie”, and still 30 years later we are afraid of fat and not focusing on what types of foods are really killing us, although they do demonize sugar sweetened beverages pretty well.



    Yeah i noticed the calorie thing too. It annoyed me, but at least they managed to say that its not all about exercise, but mostly about diet. They also managed to portray how easy it can be to change. Just a minor tweak in diet, and some walking during lunch time, and A LOT of very big people would start to shrink. Of course they managed to demonize sugar beverages. They had Dr. Lustig there 😀


    Richard Schmitt

    SO I'm watching this film as I'm typing this out, and they had a section about mindless snacking or grazing. I don't snack on anything fat wise, or protein wise, or carb wise, but with the whole trying to lose weight/fat while gain/maintain muscle mass…I snack on ice cubes/ice, is this pretty bad? Once in a while I'll add a dash of BetterStevia Powder or some Liquid Stevia…


    Damon Amato

    your body is primed to burn fat, snack however you like.  Most people are primed to store fat, and have a box of cheez-its for a snack.


    Richard Schmitt

    your body is primed to burn fat, snack however you like.  Most people are primed to store fat, and have a box of cheez-its for a snack.

    Alright just want to make sure, don't want to screw up or anything. I watched the third part to this film, and it was about children being/getting obese. Sickens me that it's getting this bad.



    Now people are trying to change. Don't just see the negtive parts.

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The Weight Of The Nation

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