There are a lot of things I "tolerate"…

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    …but spiders are NOT on that list.I live in NYC.  We aren't known for our spider issues, but I grew up in Texas (and lived in Australia for a year), so I've encountered some of the "ugly" the bug world has to offer.Last night, I am pretty d@mn sure I killed what was (operative word) a Brown Recluse crawling down my refridgerator door.  It was penny-sized, tan/brown in color, relatively fast.  I went to open the fridge, to fetch a few eggs, and there the beast was.  ON THE DOOR!I froze for a moment, as I f--king hate spiders -- have since I was a kid (irrational fear).  Then, it began to speed off, and I didn't want to lose it in my apartment (which has a lot of places to hide, being crammed-NYC).  I grabbed a cleaning spray... and I left it, curled in a ball, writhing in a puddle of liquid (yes, I kept spraying).  Then, I used the peg at the bottom of a stool to finish the job (took two or three stomps).I left its carcass on the floor, b/c I didn't feel like looking at it too closely to clean it up.  Plus, I figure, leave it as a warning to the rest of the b@st@rds that might be living in / thinking of living in my apartment.Brown Recluses are meant to be non-existent in NYC... and I hope that was the only one.  I don't usually encounter spiders in my apartment (aside from speck-sized things by the windows), let alone highly-venomous monstrosities.Now every spot in my pre-war apartment is a f--king spider!!!  I hate my brain!I hope it is b/c they are cleaning-out / renovating the apartment down the hall, and the high temps outside... then, I will believe it to be a singular occurance.Cory


    Brandon D Christ

    I picked up a big spider when I was 4 years old and it bit me.  I had to go to the hospital because my parents were scared it was poisonous.  I have hated spiders ever since.  Just the other day I was working at my desk in my office and a spider just came down from ceiling and landed right in front of me.  I was not a happy camper.



    Just be happy that this didn't happen:


    I picked up a big spider when I was 4 years old and it bit me.  I had to go to the hospital because my parents were scared it was poisonous.  I have hated spiders ever since.  Just the other day I was working at my desk in my office and a spider just came down from ceiling and landed right in front of me.  I was not a happy camper.

    Yeah, I had a number of spider-related childhood traumas myself.If a spider landed in front of me, at work, depending on its size... I may need some time away from the office to recover (use some vacation days).That all said, I just read about a natural remedy!Get an empty spray bottle, and mix:1.  Fill it 1/2 full with plain water.2.  Add 1/2 cup white vinegar.3.  Add 3 tbsp Dr. Bronner's Peppermint Soap (or a similar minty or citrus detergent).4.  Add 8 tbsp (or more) natural, pure orange oil (lemon will work, too).Once a week, spray this mixture around all entry points, hiding places, crevices, etc.  Apparently, spiders "taste" with their feet... and they cannot stand citrus, mints, vinegars, clove, tobacco, a lot of plants (like lavendar), etc.  They will f--k off if they encounter said substances or odors.This stuff will be cheap to buy, and easy to make, and it is pet-safe... gonna spray around my home tonight.  F--k that $h1t last night happening again!Cory


    Brandon D Christ

    What about centipedes?


    What about centipedes?

    Oh, God!Why did you bring those up?!?!  HAHA!House Centipedes (Google it), have given me nightmares since 1999.  When I moved to NYC, I first encountered them in Brooklyn, in my college dorm.  I had never seen anything quite like them, and hoped to never see anything like them again... but, they are frequent around here.  I hate them, but I am used to seeing them now.At first, I thought they were some mutant species of bug native to Brooklyn.I think that natural mixture handles most bugs... but it REALLY repulses spiders.  All of the ingredients repel them, and vinegar burns their "skin".Cory



    Haha, you should see the size of mukades (giant centipedes) in Okinawa. And those things attack in teams, so if you kill one the other is lurking around, waiting to get revenge. Fortunately my apartment is pretty new and the and the guy that lived there before me told me he never had any bugs. It's on the top floor, too.Spiders there are also huge, you should check out huntsman spider pictures if you want to stop sleeping for a few weeks. Their size is not the most horrible thing though, those things can leap at you 😛I couldn't care less though, I had a nasty wasp nest in my bedroom's wall last year and the fuckers dug their wait out eventually, attacking me in groups and stinging me in about 15 places at least. When the exterminators came they were horrified, the nest was just enormous. And I was wondering about that buzzing sound at night 😛



    Haha that's fucking gold right there!You deserve a medal of honor for surviving such encounters. Well done sir. As far as I'm concerned, those critters deserve to die because they are so ugly. Screw karma and the rest of that hippie BS. If you have too many legs/eyes, I am going to swing at you with a baseball bat.


    Enjoy these (let the b@st@rds sort each other out)…Centipede vs. Scorpion: Cellar Spider vs. Australian White Tail: is more on the site.  Way more enjoyable that the UFC!  HAHA.Cory



    Ok guys. 1) the odds you had a brown recluse on your refrigerator door are slim…they don't like to be out in the open. 2). There are hundreds of species of tan spiders in the US. Several that are often referred to as “house spiders” but most of which are harmless. 3). The average spider is physically incapable of biting you (unless they are REALLY big because their fangs are not string enough to break skin).  Having a few spiders in the house really helps keep the general bug population under control. Now. Having said all that,  yeah I'd have killed the little bugger on the fridge too lol



    Yeah Australian spiders=WHOLE nother story lol. They have some NASTY spiders. However they also have the extremely cool Peacock Spider. Check it out on YouTube. Total trip!



    Yeah I live here in Australia and we have pretty much all if the worlds most venomous things in our backyards.Spiders, snakes, jellyfish. You name it we have it. I think many of us our desensitized to them? Not my partner though, she constantly screams at the old rubber spider gag



    Glad to hear that some of you big strong guys are scared of spiders.  Makes me think my sons aren't nancy boys after all:)


    Ok guys. 1) the odds you had a brown recluse on your refrigerator door are slim...they don't like to be out in the open. 2). There are hundreds of species of tan spiders in the US. Several that are often referred to as "house spiders" but most of which are harmless. 3). The average spider is physically incapable of biting you (unless they are REALLY big because their fangs are not string enough to break skin).  Having a few spiders in the house really helps keep the general bug population under control. Now. Having said all that,  yeah I'd have killed the little bugger on the fridge too lol

    I hope so... some woman here in NYC, recently, found a f--kin' recluse in her d@mn sink, stuck in pesto sauce.  It was confirmed by the exterminators, and she was found to have an infestation in her apartment (and building).  They caught at least 3 per room, in her apartment.  The local CDC issued an official notice, b/c this woman hadn't travelled to the midwest, so they wanted to warn NYC citizen of what to look out for.  Recluses are NOT meant to exist in the North East, especially in New York.Most spiders are not aggressive, but if one is in your bed (or hiding in your clothing), and you roll onto it (or press against it), they will bite... and, then comes the venom.  Recluse bites destroy soft tissue, down to the bone.  Much like the Aussie White Tail.The spider I encountered was the size of my thumbnail, and it wasn't round... rather (with leg-span) more rectangular.  It matched the photos of a recluse, as I recall them from living in Texas.  :-Cory


    Glad to hear that some of you big strong guys are scared of spiders.  Makes me think my sons aren't nancy boys after all:)

    Spiders are no joke, LOL. Nor are House Centipedes (just Google that)!  :-[Besides, I have complexes about them going back to early childhood.Cory

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There are a lot of things I "tolerate"…

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