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    Sorry if there is any topic with this name/theme, just can't find it.. what does thermogenesis actually mean ? My english isn't at that level to understand those scientific statements.. thank you for reply 🙂



    Thermogenesis is the process of heat production in organisms. It occurs mostly in warm-blooded animals, but a few species of thermogenic plants exist, such as the Eastern skunk cabbage and the Voodoo lily.-wiki



    Well, I meant that I wanned to know the connection betwwen CBL/CNS  –  CARBS/FAT/PROTEIN  –  THERMOGENESIS 🙂



    Well, I meant that I wanned to know the connection betwwen CBL/CNS  -  CARBS/FAT/PROTEIN  -  THERMOGENESIS 🙂

    Basically Thermogenesis as refered to in Kiefers writings is the inefficiency (or waste) of energy when the body is bombarded with "excess" carbohydrates PWO. It means less total calories can be used and stored from a particular feeding.



    aha, so basically, if my carb baseline is for example 500grams, and I consume 550 in one sitting, there is a chance, that those 50 will not be stored, but “evaporated” ? 😀 that looks goood 🙂 and what about fat, is it also connected to fat ? can fat be inefficient when eaten in large amounts ? 🙂



    aha, so basically, if my carb baseline is for example 500grams, and I consume 550 in one sitting, there is a chance, that those 50 will not be stored, but "evaporated" ? 😀 that looks goood 🙂 and what about fat, is it also connected to fat ? can fat be inefficient when eaten in large amounts ? 🙂

    unless you're a pretty large fellow ( i mean like 240)  eating 500g carbs in a single sitting may not be the best route as far as comfort goes.  Try it out... but if you can't do it, just split into 250g between 2 meals,  that way you can enjoy yourself and not feel like a fuking hot air balloon!  lol  you will still have done everything correctly.Cheers!

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