this diet aimed at early risers?

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    i wake up like 9-10 am …. ik reading the book and other things that your body produces a chemical at 7am… or does it release when you awake


    Lasse Elsbak

    If you consistently wake up at 9-10, then the circadian rythm will most likely be adjusted thereafter. I think in hours after waking, not absolute times.


    If you consistently wake up at 9-10, then the circadian rythm will most likely be adjusted thereafter. I think in hours after waking, not absolute times.

    +1You Circadian rhythm will adjust based on the hours you keep and we base things off of our personal rhythms.


    Brandon D Christ

    If you consistently wake up at 9-10, then the circadian rythm will most likely be adjusted thereafter. I think in hours after waking, not absolute times.

    +1You Circadian rhythm will adjust based on the hours you keep and we base things off of our personal rhythms.

    No, they go by sunlight.  Unless you somehow have good control over how dark your room gets, your circadian rythyms are not going to be much different. 


    Lasse Elsbak

    That's bad news for me then. Winter is closing in – 6 months of no sun whatsoever. 🙁


    alaska? shit you couldnt pay me to live there... and they do pay you to live there ... no wonder why mofos kill themselves in record numbers there


    Lasse Elsbak

    alaska? shit you couldnt pay me to live there... and they do pay you to live there ... no wonder why mofos kill themselves in record numbers there

    Northern Norway actually. 😉


    Brandon D Christ

    alaska? shit you couldnt pay me to live there... and they do pay you to live there ... no wonder why mofos kill themselves in record numbers there

    Northern Norway actually. 😉

    In your case then it probably is based off the time you wake up and go to sleep.



    I THINK its all about light, not sunlight. We have daylight 24/7 for like 3 months, but close the curtains when you go to sleep and *poof* its nightWe have a 6 month long night, but during the day we use artificial lighting, indoors and out, thus creating an artificial night/day cycle.

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this diet aimed at early risers?

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