Thoughts on Post-Workout…Redefined!

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    Penny Danner

    The CS messes up the nice taste of my PWO shake....better than leucine but NOT a good taste.  Good thing I need to be in a hurry to get it down anyway.

    Have you tried it over ice?  It's still not good but I think it is "less bad".

    Thanks i"ll try that tomorrow after the gym (and hour wait).



    Hi all, long time Keifer follower, CBLer and CarbNiter…but first time poster 🙂I just wanted to share my experience with following a couple of the concepts from the 'new' Carb-Shock and post workout nutrition protocol...I missed out on ordering Carb-Shock, but have had NOTICEABLE fat-loss in last three weeks using this adapted setup:1) I train FASTED in the AM 2 hours after waking up. Only coffee sea salt and water!2) I now wait an hour post workout before consuming any 'fast acting' macros - as per the protocol.3) One hour post workout, to halt cortsol, I consume an insulinogenic shake of 20 grams Hydrolysed Casein (PeptoPro) and 7 grams L-Leucine to get that big insulin spike.)4) 20-30 mins after the shake, I have my first 'meal' of 20mls MCT, and 60-70 grams of protein from an animal source. I add in extra saturated fat to ensure that this meal has at least equal grams fat to protein ratio.*I used to have about 30gms BCAA before and during my 'fasted' sessions as a point of reference.But since dropping the BCAA and adding in steps 2 and 3 I have gotten ab definition that I have NEVER had before! I'm leaner overall too!Also, my heavy training has not suffered one bit. I haven't missed a beat, and continue to get stronger.At the time my avatar was taken a couple of months ago, I was at 11.3% bodyfat (Dexa scan). I have no doubt that I must be around 9.5-10% now. I am thrilled with this result, and have tweaked most of my clients programs to follow a similar method.


    Penny Danner

    I'm not sure if it is the T3, but I feel MUCH more rested this week than previous weeks.  I HAVE been getting more sleep this week than last, but I have still been fighting my bed time (I'm a toddler at heart) and I wake up feeling great!


    Brian M Eckstrom

    I'm not sure if it is the T3, but I feel MUCH more rested this week than previous weeks.  I HAVE been getting more sleep this week than last, but I have still been fighting my bed time (I'm a toddler at heart) and I wake up feeling great!

    I've felt more rested and wake up on my own before my alarm this week. I think it's the time shift



    One of the things I took out of Post Workout Redefined was that expensive protein supplement sources were now unnecessary?Just pop a decent digestive enzyme cap with everything and you are good to go?Cheap protein plus digestive enzymes FTW?


    Brandon D Christ

    One of the things I took out of Post Workout Redefined was that expensive protein supplement sources were now unnecessary?Just pop a decent digestive enzyme cap with everything and you are good to go?Cheap protein plus digestive enzymes FTW?

    I reviewed the studies Kiefer cites for the digestive enzymes.  Quite frankly, I don't know how he came up with his formula.  The studies specifically looked at a protease blend called Aminogen.The studies reviewed how Aminogen affected protein digestion at a couple different concentrations.  The lowest concentration that had an effect was 3% Aminogen.  This means that if you have a protein shake 25 g of powder (not protein, the actual powder weight) you need about 775 mg of aminogen.  I don't think you can find the makeup of the aminogen blend anywhere, but you can buy it in capsule form.



    Well,I don't want to give Kiefer more trust or credit than he deserves,but he really has taken things to another level by selling a supplement.He now has taken on a great degree of risk,investment and liability.He's rolling the dice on his credibility as well.If people are going to pay good money for this and ingest it into their bodies,I would hope that he tested it on himself and a sh*tload of clients and got big-time results with no bad effects.I had a bunch of good bottles of digestive enzyme that were gathering dust,I am now taking a capsule every meal or supplement shake.That was a big turnaround for him to suggest the cheap protein with enzymes,and if he would suggest that with the PWO drink,I can't see how he would not apply the same thinking nearly everywhere else.


    Brandon D Christ

    Well,I don't want to give Kiefer more trust or credit than he deserves,but he really has taken things to another level by selling a supplement.He now has taken on a great degree of risk,investment and liability.He's rolling the dice on his credibility as well.If people are going to pay good money for this and ingest it into their bodies,I would hope that he tested it on himself and a sh*tload of clients and got big-time results with no bad effects.I had a bunch of good bottles of digestive enzyme that were gathering dust,I am now taking a capsule every meal or supplement shake.That was a big turnaround for him to suggest the cheap protein with enzymes,and if he would suggest that with the PWO drink,I can't see how he would not apply the same thinking nearly everywhere else.

    I'm not doubting him, I just don't know how he came up with his digestive blend.



    Well,I don't want to give Kiefer more trust or credit than he deserves,but he really has taken things to another level by selling a supplement.He now has taken on a great degree of risk,investment and liability.He's rolling the dice on his credibility as well.If people are going to pay good money for this and ingest it into their bodies,I would hope that he tested it on himself and a sh*tload of clients and got big-time results with no bad effects.I had a bunch of good bottles of digestive enzyme that were gathering dust,I am now taking a capsule every meal or supplement shake.That was a big turnaround for him to suggest the cheap protein with enzymes,and if he would suggest that with the PWO drink,I can't see how he would not apply the same thinking nearly everywhere else.

    I'm not doubting him, I just don't know how he came up with his digestive blend.

    Well,I doubt him,lol!But so far I am getting some positive results from some of the changes in PWO-Redefined.But this PWO protocol and drink better keep it up and Whup Ass!You know,I get about 3 emails a week from the guy for this and that and podcasts,whatever,and it all sounds like blah,blah, hour wasted to get a crumb of information,if that.I don't know why I read this one with PWO Redefined,but it seems huge,like a giant change in the game.And if you read into things a little,it points towards shaking up a whole bunch more.



    he actually did test it out himself.. and said he actually went into hypoglycemia when finding out what ingredients causes the best insulin response. to the first 10 mins.. talks about his personal venture into carb shock.


    Ravigopal Gade

    I thought Carb shock supposed to build lean muscle by raising insulin to highest possible, which should helps recover fast and build the muscle. Does anyone using CS has noticeable lean mass gains? I am waiting for second batch to be released however it is good to know if the product is working as it supposed to be.



    I thought Carb shock supposed to build lean muscle by raising insulin to highest possible, which should helps recover fast and build the muscle. Does anyone using CS has noticeable lean mass gains? I am waiting for second batch to be released however it is good to know if the product is working as it supposed to be.

    I am actually interested in the above tooHas it shown itself to be effective?


    Brandon D Christ

    I thought Carb shock supposed to build lean muscle by raising insulin to highest possible, which should helps recover fast and build the muscle. Does anyone using CS has noticeable lean mass gains? I am waiting for second batch to be released however it is good to know if the product is working as it supposed to be.

    I am actually interested in the above tooHas it shown itself to be effective?

    I've noticed improvements in body composition since using it, but it would be hard to prove Carb Shock's effectiveness unless you did a study.  As with nearly all supplements on the market, you have to try them and see if you are benefitting from it.



    I thought Carb shock supposed to build lean muscle by raising insulin to highest possible, which should helps recover fast and build the muscle. Does anyone using CS has noticeable lean mass gains? I am waiting for second batch to be released however it is good to know if the product is working as it supposed to be.

    I am actually interested in the above tooHas it shown itself to be effective?

    I've noticed improvements in body composition since using it, but it would be hard to prove Carb Shock's effectiveness unless you did a study.  As with nearly all supplements on the market, you have to try them and see if you are benefitting from it.

    I would give it a shot.It seems like it is a huge tool to experiment with for me.It definitely has worked for me.I don't think the guy who created it has even explored all the options that could go along with it.As,in say,could you take down your Carb totals down further,and manipulate fat and protein macros by a lot,being that you have something that is a big insulin spiking tool,but little carbs required.


    Ravigopal Gade

    Mag, it is great to hear that CS is working for you, it is very encouraging news for me. As I am waiting for my CS order to be delivered, could you please share your diet modification that help you gain lean mass since you start using CS? Looks like you increased Protein and Fats, and reduced Carbs. 1) Have you increased Proteins and Fats during ULC or Post work out phase?2) What percentage or grams of protein and Fat have you increased?3) What percentage or grams of Carbs have you reducedThanks a lot in advance for sharing above details.

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Thoughts on Post-Workout…Redefined!

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