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    Hey guysI know there's been posts about this, but I found it better to just ask situation-fitting questions on this one rather than guess from previous answers. My boyfriend (not on here, not doing CNS with me) had glandular fever a while back and now has thyroid problems. He packs on weight real easily and has a hard time losing it again despite being a martial artist and training for 2-3 hours a day. So I was wondering if cutting carbs would help? Or would it actually hurt him? I wanna tell him to do CNS with me because its worked so well for me, but I don't wanna advise him to do something that would be detrimental to his health and goal. Any advice you might have would be greatly appreciated 🙂Cheers,Stef



    Have him go on the Detox 2.0 diet. It fixed me, and I was completely shot after my last bodybuilding competition. I would pack on fat just looking at food after I had been starving myself for 3 months. Now I'm fine again.



    Will try that, thanks 🙂

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