Times to have carbs in PWO shake

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    At what time is it appropriate to have carbs in one's PWO shake on CBL SA? is it something like: with carbs, if training end around 5 pm or later, and without if it ends before?


    Richard Schmitt

    Up to 30 minutes take your PWO Shake, so anywhere from 1 minute to 30 minutes is good.



    Hah, thanks Tex… That wasn't quite what I meant though. For example, if one, once in a while, have to work out from 3-4.30 and backload at 6, would you have carbs in your PWO shake at 4.30, or just wait with carbs until the backload at 6?


    Richard Schmitt

    It said 7 last time. You could just have the shake without carbs and then just normally Backload around 6pm. If it is because of scheduling due to family events or similar then don't worry too much, if it is because you're wanting to prefect the window then that's overly stressing a minor detail. You could have a that small whey shake mentioned in the book before the 6pm backload.


    Brandon D Christ

    Hah, thanks Tex... That wasn't quite what I meant though. For example, if one, once in a while, have to work out from 3-4.30 and backload at 6, would you have carbs in your PWO shake at 4.30, or just wait with carbs until the backload at 6?

    It depends on your own personal sleep/wake cycle.  In the situation you described above, I would have the carbs.  Unless you go to bed regularly after midnight.



    It said 7 last time. You could just have the shake without carbs and then just normally Backload around 6pm. If it is because of scheduling due to family events or similar then don't worry too much, if it is because you're wanting to prefect the window then that's overly stressing a minor detail. You could have a that small whey shake mentioned in the book before the 6pm backload.

    Yeah, 7 was a typo, but thanks for the clarification, Tex!



    Hah, thanks Tex... That wasn't quite what I meant though. For example, if one, once in a while, have to work out from 3-4.30 and backload at 6, would you have carbs in your PWO shake at 4.30, or just wait with carbs until the backload at 6?

    It depends on your own personal sleep/wake cycle.  In the situation you described above, I would have the carbs.  Unless you go to bed regularly after midnight.

    That's a good point about sleep cycle. Thanks!

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Times to have carbs in PWO shake

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