too many macros?

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    I want to pose a question; does getting too much fat and/or protein on your ULC nights make you sluggish?  I have been carb niting for about a month (incorrectly apparently).  I thought, incorrectly, that I should be eating my body weight, not lean body mass, in protein and fat on CNS.  I weigh 180lbs with about 150lbs of lean body mass.  I was eating 180g of protein and fat, which really meant I would end a night after dinner with about 8 strips of bacon (not knocking bacon at all) and as a result, not really drop any weight.  After a suggestion from one of the HERO members, Cory, I reduced that to 150g of pro and fat.  I feel great.  My energy is high all day and my workouts have never been better on CNS.  So that comes back to the original question.  Can you eat too much protein and/or fat that it makes you sluggish throughout the day and in workouts? 


    Brandon D Christ

    It may have something to do with the extra work your digestive system had to do to digest the food or if you were overeating you are gonna feel slow and heavy.  It is also important to note that there is no set number of fat and protein you must consume each day.  Just eat so you aren't hungry.  I personally eat around .8 g/lb.


    Damon Amato

    Me too



    Makes since to me.  It was kind of a double edge sword.  I would eat too much and become tired and i thought i was tired becasue i didnt eat enough so i would eat more and become more tired!  it was like that austin powers qoute, “im unhappy because im fat and i eat because im unhappy.”just one question, you are eating .8g/lb lean mass or just total body weight? 


    Brandon D Christ

    Total body weight, but this is just an approximation.  There are days when I eat significantly more or less.

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too many macros?

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