Too Much?

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    The picture attached is an example of what I eat on a daily basis. I am usually below 3000cal but I have some pepperoni :D. What are your thoughts? To much fat, protein or cals? Any thing I should change. The Protein shake is after workout. Breakfast is always the same and will never change.



    Nobody can tell you that, really. Are you making progress? If so, then you're probably good. If not, then it's time to tweak.



    What is your goal weight? You should try and go for something along the lines of:GW * .5 = grams of protien * 4 = Calories from ProteinsGW * .8 = grams of Fat * 9 = Calories from FatsAdd those 2 up and allow for a few from carbs and there is your caloric intake for the day.Remember that Macros AS IMPORTANT IF NOT MORE IMPORTANT than the total number of calories.



    What is your goal weight? You should try and go for something along the lines of:GW * .5 = grams of protien * 4 = Calories from ProteinsGW * .8 = grams of Fat * 9 = Calories from FatsAdd those 2 up and allow for a few from carbs and there is your caloric intake for the day.Remember that Macros AS IMPORTANT IF NOT MORE IMPORTANT than the total number of calories.

    Thanks for the reply, my goal weight is 250 - 245. If I calculated correctly, 2500 cals - 1800cal fat(200g) - 500cal protein(125g), is what I should aim for?



    Nobody can tell you that, really. Are you making progress? If so, then you're probably good. If not, then it's time to tweak.

    The mistake I made was not taking measurements before I started. So I can't really say if the progress is from the diet or the exercise or both. I am on the tweaking phase now. Just need some input. I have been doing carb night since March 3rd. I have only lost 4 pounds since then. I feel like I am more flabby then when i started. Almost like extra skin. I can however fit into a size 38 jean! lol.  I am on the tweaking phase now. Just need some input. I understand how everything works, it’s just the macro portion I struggle with.



    The numbers look close,Not sure exactly where your 2500 cal comes from.But i get (assuming 250) :500 Cal Protein1800 Cal Fat

    2200 Cal Your cals from carbs should be small since you dont want to eat any. at most another 120.Everyone is different. If you feel like you don't have enough energy increase your fat ratio from .8 to 1 (up from 200g to 250g)but  that 2200-2400 ish is what you should be shooting for IMO.Also take measurements and pics now. Its never to late to start gathering data.



    The numbers look close,Not sure exactly where your 2500 cal comes from.But i get (assuming 250) :500 Cal Protein1800 Cal Fat

    2200 Cal Your cals from carbs should be small since you dont want to eat any. at most another 120.Everyone is different. If you feel like you don't have enough energy increase your fat ratio from .8 to 1 (up from 200g to 250g)but  that 2200-2400 ish is what you should be shooting for IMO.Also take measurements and pics now. Its never to late to start gathering data.

    I just rounded up to 2500 with carbs. I will shoot for 2400, which will be tough seeing as I'm already at 2000 :D.Thanks again, 



    np happy to suggest 🙂

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Too Much?

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