Traditional body building nutrition methods

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    Damon Amato

    I just finished reading the full issue of flex magazine for July. As a former football/baseball/basketball player I guess the bodybuilder world is really foreign to me, but holy crap, those guys look miserable. There was a weider sponsored bodybuilder literally ecstatic that his wife brought home a 'bacon flavored' spice to put on his egg whites so “I thought I was eating bacon and eggs!”  #twilightzoneI have a new found appreciation for how Kiefer helps those types of athletes. I would kill myself if I had to eat the way most of those guys do. Also, maybe it's just me, but I feel like there is a lot of poor advice on there (surrounded by some good stuff). I think without looking at who wrote the articles, I could definitely still pick out Kiefer's article within the first paragraph. Huge difference in intelligent thinking. Am I off here?  Still amazing to me that these guys can get to where they are based on their daily regimens. I'm at a beach house on vacation and one night we just had chicken breast and broccoli without anything but pepper and I thought I was gonna flip my shit and go get a pizza just from one meal, nevermind six of those a day. How do those guys boil chicken breasts and steam broccoli daily?  I'd have to have a side of cyanide with mine.


    Before discovering CNS, that is how I lived.  I am not a pro, nor am I a competator (at the moment), but I live the life-style b/c I love the sport.  Have since 2009.That said, as a vegetarian, the food was still bland... so, instead of chicken and broc, it'd be egg whites and broc, or eggs, cheese and broc.  Sometimes spinach instead of broc.  You get the idea.Something like a Carb Nite?  FORGET ABOUT IT.  My metabolism is so highly endomorphic, that if I had A SINGLE cheat meal ONCE a week, it'd either stall my losses, and I'd maintain that week, or I'd actually go up a little (after the water weight left the building)!!!I am thankful for CNS!Cory


    Brandon D Christ

    Bodybuilders typically don't really care about food.  My roots are in bodybuilding and I can tell you that the one thing that is common amongst bodybuilders is discipline.  While I guess it is cool that CBL allows me to eat doughnuts, I like it actually mostly for it's convenience.I really don't want to sound whiny, but people typically don't understand bodybuilders because we are very different than most people, especially other athletes.


    Bodybuilders typically don't really care about food.  My roots are in bodybuilding and I can tell you that the one thing that is common amongst bodybuilders is discipline.  While I guess it is cool that CBL allows me to eat doughnuts, I like it actually mostly for it's convenience.I really don't want to sound whiny, but people typically don't understand bodybuilders because we are very different than most people, especially other athletes.

    +1 on the convenience thing.I used to stress like mad when following standard BB protocols for dieting.Cory



    I come from the bodybuilding mindset too and just fit the stuff that works into the CBL plan.  I eat similar to Dave Palumbos Keto diet during the day and more traditional stuff like chicken and rice stuff at night.  I find it alot easier to have certain default meals so I know what macro's im taking in and can adjust when needed

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Traditional body building nutrition methods

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