Training Advice?

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    Jared Wilkinson

    Hey folks. I appreciate all the feedback you guys give on this forum and I was hoping you might give me some specific advice for my situation. I would like to get into a bit of training to enhance my body a bit but it's been years since I've done any lifting. Here's my scenario:1. I don't go to/have access/want to pay for a gym or workout equipment (benches, etc.). A couple of dumbells, kettleball, etc would be fine though.2. I don't want to get "ripped". Frankly, I'm 6'6" 320 now (was 365 about 3 months ago before starting CNS) and I hope to one day be around 250 again. That would just be amazing to me.3. I just want to get a little more healthy and adding muscle would certianly help with that.4. My workouts would have to be in the evenings.So, what training can I do at home, in 20-30 min 3-4 times a week that would be worth it in conjunction with CNS? Does such a thing exist that works well with CNS that's not a "get your body ready for competition" type workout, but simply, "I want to be a little bit healthier and maybe enhance glycogen depletion?"


    Well CNS is meant to work without any working out at all, so you could be fine with just doing BW work 3-4 times a week and working on progressing with that, get stronger and add some muscle while becoming healthier and learning to use your body.



    I started out with just BW exercises and a 53lb kettlebell.  I would suggest investing in a doorframe pull-up bar.  They are quite cheap, usually less than 30 dollars, and pullups are one of the most powerful BW exercises



    Well CNS is meant to work without any working out at all, so you could be fine with just doing BW work 3-4 times a week and working on progressing with that, get stronger and add some muscle while becoming healthier and learning to use your body.

    Yep. Look up some gymnastics progressions and that shit will keep you frustrated for months on end with little to no equipment. Something like aim for some pullups, when you have pullups, aim for chest to bar pullups, then aim for trying to hold a front lever for 2 seconds, then for 5 seconds, etc, maybe eventually work up to aiming for a 1 arm chin up. Tons of stuff, and I'd say a gymnastics resource would be your best bet. Carl Paoli has some awesome progression tutorials at


    Jared Wilkinson

    Thanks for the replies guys!


    Jared Wilkinson

    Oh, what about the time of day? Does it matter that it would be late afternoon or evening time? Between 5p and 8p?



    Oh, what about the time of day? Does it matter that it would be late afternoon or evening time? Between 5p and 8p?

    Evening training is great. Next best is early AM.

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