Training with Jim Laird and Molly Galbraith!

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    I'm currently sitting in Jim and Molly's gym as we speak and I'm about to do sled drags with Molly. I've been here for two hours and Jim has helped me immensely with my squat form in probably 45 minutes. Just wanted to say both of them definitely know their stuff and they're great people too!


    Richard Schmitt

    Dude you're really lucky! I'd love to be able to sit down and talk with Jim Laird and Ms Molly Galbraith! Even train with them!



    I'm currently sitting in Jim and Molly's gym as we speak and I'm about to do sled drags with Molly. I've been here for two hours and Jim has helped me immensely with my squat form in probably 45 minutes. Just wanted to say both of them definitely know their stuff and they're great people too!

    Yeah thats awesome man! Have fun and enjoy the experience!



    I'm so lucky! It's so awesome they let me come by their private gym. It was just us three! And yeah Jim literally improved my squat an deadlift so fast. The dude was super cool and nice. And so is Molly! She's even better looking in person… Just sayin. Haha  :-*


    Brandon D Christ

    I'd would love to train with Jim.  Especially after my meet next month because I want to get into to geared lifting and I need someone to show me.



    the dude is genius. im supposed to work with them again in the future and ill definitely do my best to get a closer connection with both of them.


    Damon Amato

    Nice!  I would not be able to work out with Molly.  I'd be staring at her and undressing her with my eyes the whole time.  I'd probably need Jim next to her to retain my focus.



    Nice!  I would not be able to work out with Molly.  I'd be staring at her and undressing her with my eyes the whole time.  I'd probably need Jim next to her to retain my focus.




    hahaha. dude she did so much foam rolling at the beginning and she was wearing yoga pants and a low cut shirt and trying to talk to me at the same time. you know how hard it was for me to look at her eyes? hahaha


    Member is basically what me and jim went over. i had the same problem as him and he was astounded by my spinal erectors. i was using them for everything. he had me do all of these breathing exercises and a few stretches. ibob, idk if you may have this problem but you could check it out and anyone else who is curious.



    hahaha. dude she did so much foam rolling at the beginning and she was wearing yoga pants and a low cut shirt and trying to talk to me at the same time. you know how hard it was for me to look at her eyes? hahaha

    hahaha I cant even imagine....

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Training with Jim Laird and Molly Galbraith!

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