True results from lacking genetics.

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    Hey everyone. I'm on day 7 of the prep phase and will be posting before and after pics of 10 day phase when it's complete. I'm someone who definitely doesn't metabolize carbs well and I know there is lots more of you out there that grew up not knowing something like a potatoe had such adverse effects on our body. When I heard about CBL I bought the book and read it. Immideiately I know this was the program for me. My whole life I've been bulking and cutting all while eating as healthy and clean as possible. Only to see someone eating junk, drinking beer and being in ripped shape. I haven't been blessed with easy muscle gains at all but for that reason alone my dedication is impeccable and has helped me in all aspects of life. Now to update you on my results, in the last 7 days I've been eating only what Keifer suggests. The only shake I take is after a workout and is just protein. I will be taking preworkout after that 10 day Ulc but for now I'm playing it safe. So far I've lost 13 lbs. I'm not gonna lie going low carb for the first time in my life wasn't much fun. But like to old saying goes sometimes it has to get worse before it gets better. That being said I've only worked out maybe 3-4 times so far. My morning workouts are impossible because I need some food in my stomach which leads to afternoon workouts only. Strength and focus are lagging but like I said I've never went no carb before so when the CBL night comes I know the switch will flick and things will be turbocharged. Like I said I will be posting pics and experiences coming up. Thanks for reading, more to come.


    Richard Schmitt

    Welcome to the forums Hack! Good luck and keep pushing through. Like you said it'll get worse before it'll get better.


    I will be waiting and watching too.



    I will be waiting and watching too.


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True results from lacking genetics.

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