Trust the process

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    In both the CNS and CBL forums there's a constant stream of posts about stalling, not seeing results after X amount of time or it took this person 5 weeks to get to where I want to be and I'm 10 weeks in.You've got to learn to trust the process.  This video really helped me understand this, and I hope it will help everyone that watches it too.  Watch it, you won't regret it 🙂Trust the process!



    In both the CNS and CBL forums there's a constant stream of posts about stalling, not seeing results after X amount of time or it took this person 5 weeks to get to where I want to be and I'm 10 weeks in.You've got to learn to trust the process.  This video really helped me understand this, and I hope it will help everyone that watches it too.  Watch it, you won't regret it 🙂Trust the process!

    Very good post. It is a learning process and it takes time to set up your metabolism to work like a machine. I feel now after doing CBL for around 6 months that I can manipulate my body at will with my backloads.



    As Winston Churchill said: “When going through Hell… Keep going!”

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Trust the process

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