Two a day on CBL

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    I have read CarbNite and was on it of about 6 weeks. Lost about 15lbs but after about 3 month of not giving a rats ass Im back up about 20lbs. (Face Slap)I am thinking of about doing a two a day routine for about 2-4 weeks and would like to know if any one has any ideas of how to build one that would work with CN or CB. I dont have the funds to buy CB right now, But seams like it maybe a better fit. I tried to search this subject but the words two and day are not every specific. LOL


    Jeff Williams

    You would go through the morning workout routine fasted except coffee.  After your training, you could consume about 20g of carbs to help with some recovery, but not more than that.  Eat your food accordingly throughout the day and then night train with your preWO shake.  Have your PWO shake after training and then you can BL.  This is a quick synopsis of the protocol, but you can do CBL with 2-a-days and it would benefit you more as you are going to probably be training again the next morning.  CNS would have you toooooo depleted to be able to continue 2-a-days regularly. 

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Two a day on CBL

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