been doing CBL pretty consistently for last four years or so with Yates HIT for bodybuilding goals. Worked a treat but I have recently been open minded and looked into Crossfit…turns out I love it!
So my new goals are all geared towards improving my Crossfit performance while getting in my best physical shape.
Question: Should I take Carbs (shake or banana) after fasted morning workout on a two a day workout schedule or not?
From reading the book and various other articles I am thinking my day should look like this on a two a day workout:
Wake: Black coffee
💥Metcon/Wod workout
Post: whey isolate, maltodextrin or banana
Breakfast: protein, fat and veg
Lunch: protein, fat and veg
Pre: isolate, creating, coffee
💥Strength/heavy resistance training with accessory work
Post: protein/carb shake
Diner: protein and carbs
Pre bed: protein shake and carbs
Look right to everyone else or am I missing something?
Kind regards