Two a day workouts and Crossfit!

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    Tom Singleton

    been doing CBL pretty consistently for last four years or so with Yates HIT for bodybuilding goals. Worked a treat but I have recently been open minded and looked into Crossfit…turns out I love it!

    So my new goals are all geared towards improving my Crossfit performance while getting in my best physical shape.

    Question: Should I take Carbs (shake or banana) after fasted morning workout on a two a day workout schedule or not?

    From reading the book and various other articles I am thinking my day should look like this on a two a day workout:

    Wake: Black coffee

    💥Metcon/Wod workout

    Post: whey isolate, maltodextrin or banana

    Breakfast: protein, fat and veg

    Lunch: protein, fat and veg

    Pre: isolate, creating, coffee

    💥Strength/heavy resistance training with accessory work

    Post: protein/carb shake

    Diner: protein and carbs

    Pre bed: protein shake and carbs

    Look right to everyone else or am I missing something?

    Kind regards


    Brandon D Christ

    What kind of stuff are you doing for the Metcon workouts? Also how long are they?


    Tony Sangimino

    Looks fine.

    Don’t be afraid to increase the carbs a little after the morning workout if it’s intense. Especially if it’s excessively depleting.

    If you’re doing pure strength work in the PM, coming in depleted won’t hinder too much. Just make sure to backload yours carbs correctly to not suffer through your morning workouts. If that happens, your PM workouts will suffer as well.


    Tom Singleton

    Ok thanks! My backloads are always a pretty decent size so I am sure I have enough glycogen stored!
    Metcons are usually some form of resistance circuits but some occasional mornings I will do straight cardio, on those days would I still take in any carbs? For instance this morning is 1000m row, 800m run X 3 for time.

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Two a day workouts and Crossfit!

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