"Vacation shenanigans"

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    I personally think folks are abusing this method as well

    Agreed. As I said above, these days definitely need to be few and far between. For me, I will only do this for 1 day every 1-2 months at most. Birthdays, Xmas, maybe you got a promotion. That sort of thing. Face facts guys, alcohol is something to be avoided for the health/fitness conscious individual.


    For me personally, I just drink whenever I want and I understand going in that it may set me back slightly, I may be bloated or even gain some fat if I go crazy for a couple of days, but I go in knowing that and I don't bother worrying about it.Honestly, if you are wanting to go out drinking for a weekend, just know the possible effects from it and enjoy yourself.



    Exactly, gotta live life guys!



    The only possible effect from it is getting someone pregant and waking up without your clothes and 0 money YOLO!!!!!


    The only possible effect from it is getting someone pregant and waking up without your clothes and 0 money YOLO!!!!!

    If I was with you in person I would slap you for saying YOLO.Bad Caino.



    The only possible effect from it is getting someone pregant and waking up without your clothes and 0 money YOLO!!!!!

    If I was with you in person I would slap you for saying YOLO.Bad Caino.

    the  yolo part  was a joke lol i fucking hateee it i would slapme too


    Brandon D Christ

    For me personally, I just drink whenever I want and I understand going in that it may set me back slightly, I may be bloated or even gain some fat if I go crazy for a couple of days, but I go in knowing that and I don't bother worrying about it.Honestly, if you are wanting to go out drinking for a weekend, just know the possible effects from it and enjoy yourself.

    I agree with this.  The only CBL/CNS protocol I follow during vacation is no carbs at breakfast.  I got so used to doing it that I just have no interest in eating them at that time of the day.Though I think if you go off the deep end for a week there won't really be any consequences if you have been on the diet for longer than a month.  I think as soon as you get back you can start where you left off.Then again, Kiefer created the vacation protocol for those who travel a lot, so it makes sense to follow a protocol for those folks. 



    ^+1.Who wants carbs at brekky anyway? 😛    Bacon & Eggs man! Breakfast of champions.Think about how long it takes someone to get fat/out of shape. It's not something that is going to happen overnight or even if splurging for a short period. So long as you get back on track, shouldn't be anything you need to worry about.If you're still really worried about it, do the prep phase again.

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"Vacation shenanigans"

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