I would avoid it.
Why? After reading the reviews, it’s sounds great: It’s an insulin mimicker, helps clear glucose, helps restore muscle glycogen, great for diabetics…blah blah blah…
Here’s the scary part: It CLAIMS to reduce cholesterol.
Hmmm, but how does it do that you ask? Well, it supposedly does it the same way statin drugs do. It blocks the enzymes that make cholesterol in the liver.
OK, well what’s wrong with that. First, there’s no proof that reducing blood cholesterol has any benefit. Matter fact, there are a whole host of dangerous side effects linked to lowering cholesterol.
Secondly the same enzyme action that inhibits cholesterol also inhibit Co-enzyme Q10. CQ10 deficiencies have been proven to cause heart problems.
There’s not a lot of research on this yet but this is what I’ve found and why I’d say why risk it?
This reply was modified 9 years, 5 months ago by
Robert Haas.
The eyes can't see what the mind doesn't understand.