Various Body Parts/Muscle Groups

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    Richard Schmitt

    What do y'all find better to work said areas of the body?For me, I am doing 5/3/1 with Squats and Deadlift Days having "Compound Leg Exercises". The days I'm doing Deads, what would y'all suggest to do? Variations of Deads as in Sumo or Romanians? For Squats I was thinking Front Squats after the initial beginning. Also for days that I do Bench and Overhead Press calls for A Push/A Pull. Bench I have set up where I do Chin ups and Overhead are Pull ups.Push for Bench I have for Incline DB Press and Overhead Press with Seated DB Press. It gives me optional Push and Pull, so I would do Decline BB Press on Bench Days and BB Rows for Overhead Days. Now here comes another trickier part (I'm sorry y'all) for my Triceps days which are with Overhead Press, Week 1&3 focus on The Lateral Head and Week 2&4 focuses on the The Long Head. Lateral are pretty much movements like Overhead Extensions, anything wide? And Long are close grip movements like V-pushdowns and Rope Push downs?;D



    1.) I would add a separate arms day. Since it should be short a sweet with a crazy pump (for size) I think this would be the most beneficial scenario. 2.) I would add Incline Bench + a row (t-bar  or kroc) + some rear delt to your OHP press day 3.) I would add either DB press (slight decline) + a Pull ( lat pull down) + some front or even better rear delt. 4.) Deadlift + front squat + abs --- this is brutal however. 5.) Squat + Leg curls (RDL) + abs Most bang for your buck.


    Richard Schmitt
    Moderator here's the 5/3/1 Routine I'll be following officially starting next week, my log explains the days I'll be doing and my CN. However, this week is kinda crazy scheduling so getting to the going to be only 2-3x this week. So I have to mash together the De-Load week. Into 2 days and have a HIIT the day after my CN.1) I like the extra Arm Day Idea, I'll have to incorporate one together for next week for the weekend. Doing CNS by the way.2) SO basically for each day, do the opposite half? I'm sorry if I'm complicating things! Trying to get the most bang for my buck. 3) Deads and Front Squats! Whoo! Sounds brutal ain't going to lie. Then having the ability to work Hamstrings is a must for me as well.


    Member here's the 5/3/1 Routine I'll be following officially starting next week, my log explains the days I'll be doing and my CN. However, this week is kinda crazy scheduling so getting to the going to be only 2-3x this week. So I have to mash together the De-Load week. Into 2 days and have a HIIT the day after my CN.1) I like the extra Arm Day Idea, I'll have to incorporate one together for next week for the weekend. Doing CNS by the way.2) SO basically for each day, do the opposite half? I'm sorry if I'm complicating things! Trying to get the most bang for my buck. 3) Deads and Front Squats! Whoo! Sounds brutal ain't going to lie. Then having the ability to work Hamstrings is a must for me as well.

    Your getting the most bang for your buck doing Incline after OHP. A lot of front delt work there. I personally would add in Side laterals and rear delts. Your having two pressing days, so you should try to maximize the muscle used. DB pressing after OHP is over kill. If you like dumbbells better then you can always use that as your "main" lift over barbell.


    Participant here's the 5/3/1 Routine I'll be following officially starting next week, my log explains the days I'll be doing and my CN. However, this week is kinda crazy scheduling so getting to the going to be only 2-3x this week. So I have to mash together the De-Load week. Into 2 days and have a HIIT the day after my CN.1) I like the extra Arm Day Idea, I'll have to incorporate one together for next week for the weekend. Doing CNS by the way.2) SO basically for each day, do the opposite half? I'm sorry if I'm complicating things! Trying to get the most bang for my buck. 3) Deads and Front Squats! Whoo! Sounds brutal ain't going to lie. Then having the ability to work Hamstrings is a must for me as well.

    Your getting the most bang for your buck doing Incline after OHP. A lot of front delt work there. I personally would add in Side laterals and rear delts. Your having two pressing days, so you should try to maximize the muscle used. DB pressing after OHP is over kill. If you like dumbbells better then you can always use that as your "main" lift over barbell.

    Wendler actually advocates this in his Boring But Big template presing after your main press, tex im in the same position as you just unsure what assistance to do on my dead day and squat day and compliments it well, im doing juggernaught method which is a more volume version of 531 so im in the same boat as you son!!



    Lots of [good!] questions here, so I'll add my own two cents in –

    What do y'all find better to work said areas of the body?For me, I am doing 5/3/1 with Squats and Deadlift Days having "Compound Leg Exercises". The days I'm doing Deads, what would y'all suggest to do? I'm going to start by assuming you mean exercises as supplemental to the main lifts (bench/press/squat/deadlift) - that said, for deads I've found heavy shrugs to be very helpful - high reps or extra high weight - I use them at varying heights from just above the knee all the way to only moving it a few inches for explosive heavy ones - one thing though - DON'T rotate your shoulders, just up and down Variations of Deads as in Sumo or Romanians? For Squats I was thinking Front Squats after the initial beginning. Front squats are awesome and they will wreck your "core" and quads and will bring up any balance issues you have with back squatAlso for days that I do Bench and Overhead Press calls for A Push/A Pull. Bench I have set up where I do Chin ups awesome choice - minimum of 100 chins/pulls a week - no kipping and Overhead are Pull ups.Push for Bench I have for Incline DB Press and Overhead Press with Seated DB Press. I really like dips (weighted or unweighted)It gives me optional Push and Pull, so I would do Decline BB Press on Bench Days and BB Rows for Overhead Days. For a pull, try Kroc rows - they're brutal and I've found them great for building upper back strength and size, as well as gripNow here comes another trickier part (I'm sorry y'all) for my Triceps days which are with Overhead Press, Week 1&3 focus on The Lateral Head and Week 2&4 focuses on the The Long Head. Lateral are pretty much movements like Overhead Extensions, anything wide? For the health of your shoulders, I'd keep most things fairly close - I bench pretty close (close grip or only a few inches outside of the standard knurling for heavy benches) - I also overhead press fairly close and it seems to help a lot recently. I've had less stress/pain in my shoulders and I've recently increased both weight and volume, so I think it's working well. And Long are close grip movements like V-pushdowns and Rope Push downs?I've also been putting a lot more emphasis on my backside, especially upper back, as well as putting heavy weight overhead much more often. My everything seems healthier and less in pain.;D

    I'm also going to add a list of some of the lifts that have helped me the most - it might help you as well. Also (because I think it's relevant to the list below), my training is almost every day, very heavy (mostly singles, doubles, triples) for # of sets. I usually do 2-4 movements each workout, starting with an explosive movement. I don't do the same major lift on consecutive days (often every other though, such as heavy back squat and then heavy front squat in two days), but will throw in speed or partial work some days. Unless I'm feeling really crappy or want to dedicate a whole workout to say...squat...I combine [at minimum] one heavy push and one heavy pull exercise. This is often both an upper body and lower body.Explosive movements:# BTNPP (behind the neck push press) - this is a tough one but is awesome to do and is brutal# All variations of clean and/or jerk/press - this includes hang clean to jerk, hang clean to press, power clean, full clean to get the idea# snatch (form sucks on this one though, so it's usually light)# jump squatEverything else:# Main lifts: [back] squat (I low bar, wide stance squat), deadlift (conventional pull), bench, press (overhead)# Squat: Front squat# Dead: HEAVY shrugs/partial pulls, RDL, and deadlift from blocks and from a defecit (spelling?!). I used to pull sumo, but don't anymore. I would still use it if my squat was anything but a very wide stance low bar back squat. I recommend sumo as a supplemental deadlift if you aren't squatting low bar wide stance.# Bench: close grip bench & wide grip (light weight - and not Ronnie Coleman light weight baby! actually light), # Press: strict military press, Klokov press (brutal and awesome)# Not-directly-related-to-a-main-lift-movements: Kroc rows, Pendlay rows (these could fit in DL, but I'll put em here) - these have helped a lot with my deadlift speed off the floor# Others: I do a lot of chins/pulls, dips. I throw in stuff like BB bicep curls (straight bar), tricep extensions, pushups, inverse rows, etc. from time to time or when I need an easy rest day# When I'm looking for more to do - Squat - because you can never squat enough and because mine sucksExample workout (2 days)Day 1# Power clean & Jerk - ~10 x 2# Squat - 10-15 x 1 x near max weight# Pullups/chinups - as many sets as it takes for 100 repsDay 2# BTNPP - 10 x 3# Bench press - 10-15 x 2-3# Heavy Deadlift (or accessory - depending on how I feel)# Speed squat(just for example - I did Day 1 yesterday and will do Day 2 today - a lot of what I do goes by feel - and how much a particular lilft is progressing compared to the other main lifts. My squat sucks so I've been attacking it with the fervor and focus of a cat with a laser pointer)  Okay...super long post, but I hope something in there helps. Our training styles are very different and I switch up movements all the time (except for back squat, deadlift, bench, and overhead press - I do these a MINIMUM of once a week, usually 2-3+). I think from an exercise standpoint, there's a lot of good options that I listed. I'd recommend trying different variations and always trying to tweak what works best for you. A more chaotic approach seems to work better for me, but the stuff that produces consistent results I always keep in consistently - on a "very frequent non-scheduled schedule" (I hope you appreciate that reference Tex! 🙂 ) Best of luck,ChrisI'll probably come back and edit this for clarity later, cause my guess is it's a big jumble, but I've got to run at the moment.



    Now here comes another trickier part (I'm sorry y'all) for my Triceps days which are with Overhead Press, Week 1&3 focus on The Lateral Head and Week 2&4 focuses on the The Long Head. Lateral are pretty much movements like Overhead Extensions, anything wide? And Long are close grip movements like V-pushdowns and Rope Push downs?;D

    Getting your long and lateral heads mixed up a bit there Tex. No matter, I will sort you out! For the lateral head of Triceps anything that emphasises the lockout. So Board Presses, Rack Lockouts, Close Grip Bench (depending on bodytype) Pushdowns, Lying DB Extentions, Tate Press.For long head you want to do exercises that put a stretch on them. So anything where your elbow is brought up over you face. French Press (rough on elbows imo), PJRs (the BEST longhead exercise) Scott Extentions (easy on elbows but not as effective as PJRs), Overhead DB ExtentionsAlso the medial head which is important for benching. Cant really isolate this one that well but JM Presses are good for them while getting the long and lateral heads somewhat.PS I LOVE Triceps (;PPS I would also probably work both long and lateral heads each time rather than week on week off. Just pick 2 accessories that hit each type. So maybe a Board Press followed by PJRs or Pushdowns followed by Overhead DB Extentions. Something like that.


    Richard Schmitt

    Oh boy a lot of great information and recommendations! Thanks y'all!See my log states how I wanted to incorporate the days and the link shows how it should be set up. Now I'm doing CNS at the moment for at least till the end of the year. I'm great with a higher volume type routine, as called for CBL SA. Now if I can use this set-up to have certain days using multiple parts of the body to deplete those glycogen stores (even though I don't even eat "sugar"). Pretty much as such:

    • Sundays: HIIT/Recovery
    • Mondays: 5/3/1 Deadlifts
    • Tuesday: Recovery
    • Wednesday: 5/3/1 Overhead Press
    • Thursday: Recovery
    • Friday: 5/3/1 Squats/CN
    • Saturday: 5/3/1 Bench Press (AM)

    I was able to gather some time to De-Load on Deadlifts today, and tried what Pshannon recommended with Front Squats after it. The weights were light, but damn...I'll be hurting when it gets heavy. Has anyone seen the link? Because if it's too much trouble I can type it out here to make it simple. Because with the exercises suggested, the rep and set scheme is a dilema. Besides what is said in the link. @Pshannon, I really like the routine that you mentioned. It is set-up better than what I had intended haha. @Caino, I haven't seen the Juggernaut method, but I'm sure it's damn tough. When I was doing a high volume 5/3/1 I added mostly Back accessories after Deads, and Leg Accessories after Squats.@CWest, I appreciate the different exercises to incorporate. Really great suggestions. Like mentioned above, I can type of what I had thought of doing. If needed, just to get an idea of what I mean.@Glitch.e, Yeah...I read and thought about those backwards...thank you for correcting me. I thought quicker than I was typing and thought backwards haha. I personally would like to increase the size of my arms a bit.



    I personally would like to increase the size of my arms a bit.

    Definately PJRs then. The long head of the triceps has a lot of size potential, and grows pretty quickly when you start focusing on it. PJRs will add a lot of meat on those Tris!


    Richard Schmitt

    I personally would like to increase the size of my arms a bit.

    Definately PJRs then. The long head of the triceps has a lot of size potential, and grows pretty quickly when you start focusing on it. PJRs will add a lot of meat on those Tris!

    ... :-[ I'm sorry but would you mind telling me what PJRs are...? Please and thank you ;D



    I personally would like to increase the size of my arms a bit.

    Definately PJRs then. The long head of the triceps has a lot of size potential, and grows pretty quickly when you start focusing on it. PJRs will add a lot of meat on those Tris!

    ... :-[ I'm sorry but would you mind telling me what PJRs are...? Please and thank you ;D

    i'm totally sponging up this information and discussion. i plan to do 5/3/1 with a similar plan as this once i'm done with my current 5x5 stronglifts. taking many notes lol



    I personally would like to increase the size of my arms a bit.

    Definately PJRs then. The long head of the triceps has a lot of size potential, and grows pretty quickly when you start focusing on it. PJRs will add a lot of meat on those Tris!

    ... :-[ I'm sorry but would you mind telling me what PJRs are...? Please and thank you ;D

    Surely you dont want to be coddled like a newbie? Do a search! (; LOL j/k mate. They are like a cross between a DB Pullover and a Tricep Extention.  Lie down across a bench with only your upper back touching and your head hanging off. Legs planted on the ground kinda like you are doing a Glutebridge. With one dumbbell between your hands you let it come back over your head by bending the elbows and bringing the upper arms up to your ears simultaneously. Then reverse the motion and "punch" out the weight at the top locking out the elbows. Heres a vid but hes not finishing the movement over his head/neck/chest like he should to maximise longhead contraction. them and prepare for unholy tricep soreness!



    I personally would like to increase the size of my arms a bit.

    Definately PJRs then. The long head of the triceps has a lot of size potential, and grows pretty quickly when you start focusing on it. PJRs will add a lot of meat on those Tris!

    ... :-[ I'm sorry but would you mind telling me what PJRs are...? Please and thank you ;D

    i'm totally sponging up this information and discussion. i plan to do 5/3/1 with a similar plan as this once i'm done with my current 5x5 stronglifts. taking many notes lol

    careful you might get huge and masculine and look like Heidi Vuorela! heidi-vuorela-9.jpg*crosses fingers!* 😀


    Richard Schmitt

    I personally would like to increase the size of my arms a bit.

    Definately PJRs then. The long head of the triceps has a lot of size potential, and grows pretty quickly when you start focusing on it. PJRs will add a lot of meat on those Tris!

    ... :-[ I'm sorry but would you mind telling me what PJRs are...? Please and thank you ;D

    Surely you dont want to be coddled like a newbie? Do a search! (; LOL j/k mate. They are like a cross between a DB Pullover and a Tricep Extention.  Lie down across a bench with only your upper back touching and your head hanging off. Legs planted on the ground kinda like you are doing a Glutebridge. With one dumbbell between your hands you let it come back over your head by bending the elbows and bringing the upper arms up to your ears simultaneously. Then reverse the motion and "punch" out the weight at the top locking out the elbows. Heres a vid but hes not finishing the movement over his head/neck/chest like he should to maximise longhead contraction. them and prepare for unholy tricep soreness!

    Lmao...yeah I searched for it right AFTER I made that post! Man I feel stupid haha.I appreciate the link and advice on these, will incorporate these for sure!


    Richard Schmitt

    I personally would like to increase the size of my arms a bit.

    Definately PJRs then. The long head of the triceps has a lot of size potential, and grows pretty quickly when you start focusing on it. PJRs will add a lot of meat on those Tris!

    ... :-[ I'm sorry but would you mind telling me what PJRs are...? Please and thank you ;D

    i'm totally sponging up this information and discussion. i plan to do 5/3/1 with a similar plan as this once i'm done with my current 5x5 stronglifts. taking many notes lol

    Awesome! It'll be fun trust me ;D

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Various Body Parts/Muscle Groups

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