Veg on CNS ?

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    my husbands joined me now on CN and so far so good….he asked a good question : . He asked if we are supposed to aim for zero carbs a day would it be ok to eat some veg….i looked in the book and said we can have up to 30 g carbs a day but to aim for zero…..if we stick to grass fed beef we 'should' get nutrients from that so not necessarily essential to eat veg…right????? personllly im happy to not eat the veg but i think hes concerned that he 'should'… can i best explain to him.


    Richard Schmitt

    Veggies are ok in moderation. Green fibrous veggies are best, but like the book says as long as it is under 30g of usable carbs its ok.


    Robert Gray

    Fresh spinach is good if you want to give the illusion of a big serving of veg with less than 3 carbs. I personally like jalapeños or sauerkraut. Small servings of both go a long way for flavor.


    I stick to the BB'ing staples for my veggies… spinach and broccoli.  Sometimes I opt for kale.Cory



    I say the greener the better.. I hardly eat any other colors.. if I do, it'd be a small amount compared to dark green veggies.


    Christopher VanWell

    I usually stick with asparagus, Broccoli, and spinach.

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Veg on CNS ?

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