Videos From Kiefer

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  • #10463

    Yo there, peoples, I have been trying to watch the videos that Kiefer has been sending and in every single video it will get about 1:45 into them and then skip to the very end. No matter how many times I try it again or refresh, it always, always does that and it has gotten pretty damn annoying. So, if you guys have any input for fixing this problem, I would be very grateful! Thank you in advance.



    what are you trying to watch them on? seems some are having issues on phones and/or tablets… plays fine on my PC


    Richard Schmitt

    Submit a support ticket on the AIO site.


    Thanks guys! Will do that Tex. And Sano, the problem has been on my PC, which sucks.



    Thanks guys! Will do that Tex. And Sano, the problem has been on my PC, which sucks.

    what browser? could try another browser see if that works


    My browser is Water Fox. I'll try it on Internet Explorer. What  browser were you using when you watched it?



    My browser is Water Fox. I'll try it on Internet Explorer. What  browser were you using when you watched it?



    Well, I used Internet Explorer and it worked pretty damn well. Thanks, Sano!


    Any idea if there are more videos coming?  Last one I saw was Part 6 – hatred of Paleo.  Was that the end?  Don't think this is my e-mail as I bought both CBL & CN on different e-mail addresses and no videos at either one.



    Any idea if there are more videos coming?  Last one I saw was Part 6 - hatred of Paleo.  Was that the end?  Don't think this is my e-mail as I bought both CBL & CN on different e-mail addresses and no videos at either one.

    That was the last one in that set. More videos and podcasts are on the way.



    Any idea if there are more videos coming?  Last one I saw was Part 6 - hatred of Paleo.  Was that the end?  Don't think this is my e-mail as I bought both CBL & CN on different e-mail addresses and no videos at either one.

    That was the last one in that set. More videos and podcasts are on the way.



    Any idea if there are more videos coming?  Last one I saw was Part 6 - hatred of Paleo.  Was that the end?  Don't think this is my e-mail as I bought both CBL & CN on different e-mail addresses and no videos at either one.

    That was the last one in that set. More videos and podcasts are on the way.

    I think my favorite podcast you have done is Chaos and Bang CBL edition.


    Any idea if there are more videos coming?  Last one I saw was Part 6 - hatred of Paleo.  Was that the end?  Don't think this is my e-mail as I bought both CBL & CN on different e-mail addresses and no videos at either one.

    That was the last one in that set. More videos and podcasts are on the way.

    Great!  Thanks for the response Kiefer!

Viewing 13 posts - 1 through 13 (of 13 total)

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Videos From Kiefer

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