Vitamin C spikes insulin?

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    I saw a study referenced on LiveStrong about how people deficient in vitamin C burned much less fat while doing aerobic activity."Researchers at Arizona State University observed that subjects with low vitamin C levels burned less body fat during a walking test, compared with those who had sufficient vitamin C levels, according to research reported in the June 2005 issue of the "Journal of the American College of Nutrition."""Similar findings were also demonstrated in another study reported in the August 2006 issue of "Nutrition and Metabolism." Scientists at Arizona State University discovered that subjects with adequate vitamin C levels burned more body fat during a 60-minute treadmill test, compared with those who had inadequate vitamin C levels. In the same study, subjects with low vitamin C levels were given 500 mg of vitamin C or a placebo daily for eight weeks. Scientists found that those in the vitamin C group experienced a significant increase in calorie-burning during a 60-minute treadmill test, compared with those in the placebo group."


    Yep, fat burning is another thing Vit. C helps with.Cory



    I saw a study referenced on LiveStrong about how people deficient in vitamin C burned much less fat while doing aerobic activity."Researchers at Arizona State University observed that subjects with low vitamin C levels burned less body fat during a walking test, compared with those who had sufficient vitamin C levels, according to research reported in the June 2005 issue of the "Journal of the American College of Nutrition."""Similar findings were also demonstrated in another study reported in the August 2006 issue of "Nutrition and Metabolism." Scientists at Arizona State University discovered that subjects with adequate vitamin C levels burned more body fat during a 60-minute treadmill test, compared with those who had inadequate vitamin C levels. In the same study, subjects with low vitamin C levels were given 500 mg of vitamin C or a placebo daily for eight weeks. Scientists found that those in the vitamin C group experienced a significant increase in calorie-burning during a 60-minute treadmill test, compared with those in the placebo group."

    Hmm very interesting, definately keeping this in my regimen.


    Alex Fergus

    I actually managed to speak to Kiefer reading Vit C and training. He said he recommends ~2g with fatty meals, and preferably not around training time. thats all i could gather though sorry

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    Thanks for the info and thats what I have been doing 3 times a day.



    I actually managed to speak to Kiefer reading Vit C and training. He said he recommends ~2g with fatty meals, and preferably not around training time. thats all i could gather though sorry

    Thank you 🙂 I've been doing 500-1000 mg and think I'll stick with that since I'm female.


    I take 3,000mg / day, split into three 1g doses.  I also get Vit. C in my multi + foods.Cory



    Vit C spikes insulin?  Damn, I took dozens of grams of liposomal Vitamin C Monday and Tuesday because a cold was coming on, and carb nite was Sunday.  Lipo C is mixed with fat, so maybe it wasn't as bad, but most was away from meals.Oh well, at worst I lost a couple days of keto, at least I didn't get sick. Lipo C does the trick.

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Vitamin C spikes insulin?

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